HISTORY EMPIRES NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In Units 1 and 2 Empires, students investigate UNIT 1 - Rise of Empires SUBJECTS FROM the foundations and features of empires and the YEAR 10 DOES THIS significant global changes they brought to the In this area of study students focus on the FOLLOW ON FROM? wider world in the early modern period. Empires features of empires and what contributed to Humanities at their core were expansionist, dominating their rise. They analyse how the social, political, History trade and political influence in their regional or economic, cultural, religious, environmental and Literature global contexts. A range of key factors arising technological features and conditions shaped an from the social, political, economic, cultural, empire’s quest for expansion. religious, environmental and technological features of Empires played a role in the ambition UNIT 2 - Encounters, challenge and change and quest for power, prestige and influence over rival and competing states. In this area of study students focus on the challenges and changes facing the empire in By the 15th century, international trade was the age of imperialism. Students explain how dominated by the Republic of Venice, the Ming and why new colonies and new markets were Dynasty in China and the Byzantine Empire. established, and describe the empire’s global power and why their influence prospered. They analyse the empire’s social, political, economic and cultural structures of power and how it was used to maintain control. Students evaluate the consequences of empire expansion, especially for indigenous peoples. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? The skills learnt in • Strong written expression and argument Assessed coursework will include: a historical English translate inquiry project, an analysis of primary sources, well to assist understanding in • In-depth analysis an evaluation of historical interpretations, an History. essay.End of year examination • Empathy and understanding of society

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