SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION The study provides opportunities for reading UNIT 3 FURTHER STUDY deeply, widely and critically, responding Students consider how the form of a text affects OR CAREERS analytically and creatively, and appreciating the meaning, and how writers construct their COULD LEAD ON aesthetic merit of texts. texts. They investigate ways writers adapt TO? and transform texts. They consider how the Writer VCE Literature enables students to examine perspectives of those adapting texts may inform Journalist the historical and cultural contexts within or influence the adaptations. Librarian which both readers and texts are situated. It Editor investigates the assumptions, views and values UNIT 4 Historian which both writer and reader bring to the texts In this unit students develop critical and analytic Publisher Teaching and it encourages students to contemplate how responses to texts. They investigate literary we read as well as what we read. It considers criticism informing both the reading and writing how literary criticism informs the readings of of texts. Students develop an informed and texts and the ways texts relate to their contexts sustained interpretation supported by close and to each other. Accordingly, the texts selected textual analysis.themes are conveyed. for study are drawn from the past through to the present, and vary in form and social and cultural contexts SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? The skills learnt in • the ways that literary criticism presents A written interpretation of the text Literature translate assumptions and ideas about aspects of well to English and vice-versa. culture and society and how these inform • Written analysis of textual interpretations Literature readings of the text counts as the • Creative response compulsory • analyse how literary criticism informs English subject readings of texts • End of year examination required to Year 12, but is often taken as well as English. • identify and analyse the views and values in texts

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