ENGLISH LITERATURE NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Students undertake close reading of texts and UNIT 1 SUBJECTS FROM analyse how language and literary elements Students focus on the ways in which the YEAR 10 DOES THIS and techniques function within a text. Emphasis interaction between text and reader creates FOLLOW ON FROM? is placed on recognition of a text’s complexity meaning. Students’ analyses of the features English and meaning, and on consideration of how that and conventions of texts help them develop Literature meaning is embodied in its literary form. There increasingly discriminating responses to a Humanities are different types of texts read, including plays, range of literary forms and styles. They develop poems, films and books. an awareness of how the views and values that readers hold may influence the reading of a text. UNIT 2 In this unit students explore the ways literary texts connect with each other and with the world. They deepen their examination of the ways their own culture and the cultures represented in texts can influence their interpretations and shape different meanings. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? The skills learnt in • features of society and the ideas • Essays, Literature andbehaviour which the text appears to translate well to English. Literature reflect or endorse, challenge or question. • journal entries counts as the compulsory English • ways in which characters, setting, events • close analysis, subject and ideas convey the social concerns of a required to Year 12, different era and/or culture • oral but is often taken as well as English. • analyse how features of the text contribute • discussion participation to meaning. • presentation • End of year examination

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