SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Through engagement with texts from the UNIT 3 CLICK HERE TO contemporary world and from the past, and Students read and respond to texts analytically VIEW CAREERS THIS using texts from Australia and from other and creatively. They analyse arguments and the SUBJECT COULD LEAD ON TO? cultures, students studying English become use of persuasive language in texts. confident, articulate and critically aware communicators and further develop a sense of UNIT 4 themselves, their world and their place within it. Students explore the meaningful connections English helps equip students for participation in between two texts. They analyse texts, including a democratic society and the global community. the interplay between character and setting, voice and structure, and how ideas, issues and themes are conveyed. SKILSS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? • the ways in which different texts provide • an analytical response to a set text You must take an different perspectives on ideas, issues and English subject in • a creative response to a set text such as a both Years 11 and themes and how comparing them can offer monologue, script, short story, illustrated 12. This can be an enriched understanding of the ideas, narrative, short film or graphic text English, English issues and themes as an Additional • an analysis of the use of argument and Language or • use textual evidence appropriately to persuasive language in text/s Literature or a support comparative analysis • a text intended to position an audience combination. • plan creative responses to texts • a comparative analytical response to set texts • apply the conventions of oral presentation in • a persuasive text that presents an argument the delivery of spoken texts or viewpoint

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