ENGLISH NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION VCE English and English as an Additional values presented by authors through their SUBJECTS FROM Language (EAL) focuses on the how English evocations of character, setting and plot, and YEAR 10 DOES THIS language is used to create meaning in print and through investigations of the point of view and/ FOLLOW ON FROM? digital texts of varying complexity. or the voice of the text. Students engage with English and develop an understanding of effective Literature Texts selected for study are drawn from the and cohesive writing. They apply, extend and Humanities past and present, from Australia and from challenge their understanding and use of Literature other cultures, and comprise many text types, imaginative, persuasive and informative text. including media texts, for analysis of argument. UNIT 2 The study of English empowers students Students develop their reading and viewing to read, write, speak and listen in different skills, including deepening their capacity for contexts. inferential reading and viewing, to further open possible meanings in a text, and to extend their UNIT 1 writing in response to text. Students consider Students engage in reading and viewing texts the way arguments are developed and delivered with a focus on personal connections with the in many forms of media. story. They discuss and clarify the ideas and SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? You must take an • an understanding of contention and • an analytical response to a set text English subject in supporting arguments both Years 11 and • a set of annotated persuasive texts 12. This can be (including visual texts) that identify English, English • summarise the key points in arguments arguments, vocabulary, text structures and as an Additional using skills such as note-taking and language features Language or annotation Literature or a • an analysis of the use of argument and combination. For persuasive language and techniques in more information, • identify, explore and apply text(s) consult the study guide. • understand how culture, values and context • an oral presentation of a point of view text. underpin the construction of texts and how • end of year examination this can affect meaning and interpretation

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