AUSTRALIAN HISTORY SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION In Units 3 and 4 Australian History, students perspectives, events and the differing social, FURTHER STUDY develop their understanding of the foundational political and economic experiences may OR CAREERS and transformative ideas, perspectives and have triggered changes and the extent of COULD LEAD ON events in Australia’s history and the complexity continuity and change in Australia and among TO? of continuity and change in the nation’s story. Australians. The revolutionary nature of the Politics Australian experience is explored, including Criminology The study of Australian history is considered how the continent’s distinct environment and Journalism both within a national and a global context, landscape has shaped and been shaped by Historian/Art particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait human processes and actions, and the embrace Historian Islander peoples and culture, a colonial settler of democratic experiments that placed Australia Law Teaching society within the British Empire and as part in the vanguard of individual and political of the Asia-Pacific region. Students come rights and freedoms in the 19th and early 20th to understand that the history of Australia centuries. is contested and that the past continues to contribute to ongoing interpretations, debates UNIT 4 - Transformations and tensions in Australian society. Students focus on the extent to which Australia UNIT 3 - Foundations was transformed and changed by social, political and economic events, ideas, experiences and In this area of study students focus on the movements that took place after World War foundations of continuity and change in Two. Students consider how long-term trends Australian history. They consider how ideas, in Australian history continue to resonate and be contested in contemporary Australian society. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT CAREER WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Edrolo computer • Write coherently and with complex analysis Assessed coursework will include: a historical tasks to inquiry project, an analysis of primary sources, support success in exams. • Read critically an evaluation of historical interpretations, an essay and an end of year examination. • Refine your questioning and thinking • Empathy and understanding of society

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