LEGAL STUDIES NAME: LAVERTON P-12 COLLEGE UNITS:VCE SUBJECT OVERVIEW UNIT DESCRIPTION Legal Studies investigates criminal and UNIT 1 - GUILT & LIABILITY SUBJECTS FROM What is the difference between murder YEAR 10 DOES THIS civil law, evaluating how they protect the rights and manslaughter? What must be proven FOLLOW ON FROM? of individuals in society. This subject is about for someone to be convicted of a crime? Humanities enforcing and instituting the law. Students Legal examine how the law is applied to determine the In Unit 1 students answer these questions Literature outcome of both criminal and civil cases. and explore the basis of criminal and civil law; including key concepts and types of crimes/civil wrongs. UNIT 2 -SANCTIONS, REMEDIES & RIGHTS In Unit 2 students apply their Unit 1 knowledge to two recent civil and criminal cases such as Rebel Wilson vs. Bauer media. Furthermore they explore suggested reforms to improve the legal system aiming to analyse the effectiveness of our legal system to uphold the principles of justice. SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT WHAT KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS WILL I BUILD? ASSESSMENT COULD INCLUDE: NEED TO KNOW? Possible whole day • Use key legal terminology • A folio of exercises excursion to the courts or the ability to • Research analyse legal informatio • Structured questions meet and talk to a current • Protecting the rights of individual • A classroom presentation; a role-play; a chief justice about debate; a report or a question-and-answer the application of • Legal reasoning and principles session. the law. • End of year examination