the hill. The wagon left the road, collided with a tree, and was broken to pieces. A passenger named Andrew Mackey was Mountain Station, killed and everyone on the stage was atop Blue Mountain injured. A grave marker for Mackey is southwest of located in the Mountain Station cemetery. Wilburton, was the site Also riding on the wrecked stage was of the only accident Eadweard J. Muybridge, traveling as a fatal to a passenger on through passenger from San Francisco. the entire Bu琀琀er昀椀eld Best known for his use of photography Overland Mail route. to capture animals in motion for the 昀椀rst time in 1878, Muybridge laid the groundwork for modern motion pictures, developing a shutter system to stop motion and one of the earliest motion picture projectors, the zoopraxiscope. Headed to the east coast to board a ship for his native England, Muybridge sustained a serious head injury in the accident. He eventually recovered and lthough not an of昀椀cial Butter昀椀eld returned to California, but the long-term stop, Mountain Station occupies a effects of the head injury led to signi昀椀cant Asigni昀椀cant place in history. It was changes in Muybridge’s personality. here, where stages would stop for water Rather than inhibiting his achievements, after climbing the mountain, that the only however, some speculate the head injury Butter昀椀eld accident fatal to a passenger enhanced his creative abilities. He became occurred. On July 20, 1860 an eastbound more willing to take risks and pursued his stage carrying eight passengers wrecked art obsessively, perhaps contributing to when the horses ran away on the descent of his innovations in the 昀椀eld of photography. Eadweard Muybridge, a pioneer in early motion picture photography, was also a passenger on the ill-fated Mountain Station Bu琀琀er昀椀eld stage. Despite a serious injury to his head with lasting e昀昀ects, Muybridge went on to a creative and successful career. 26

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