comes into view. It is the Edwards Store, The Edwards Store obtained nearby. Efforts to preserve the the only standing structure remaining is the only structure structure are currently in progress and along the Choctaw Nation segment of the dating from Bu琀琀er昀椀eld it is accessible to the public when active road contemporaneous with the operation days still standing along restoration efforts are not underway. of the Overland Mail. The log cabin the Choctaw Nation Beyond Edwards Store, the road segment of the trail. was the home of storekeeper Thomas passes through a gap in the mountains Edwards, an Englishman who married into known as the Narrows and the site of a Choctaw family. Meals were provided Holloway’s Station, then enters present- for travelers at the establishment, which day Red Oak. Turning due west, the trail began in 1850 as a single log structure crosses the Fourche Maline and arrives built from hand-hewn pines and sandstone at Riddle’s Station, just east of present-day Lutie Cemetery, on the eastern outskirts of Wilburton. From Lutie, the old road parallels U.S. Highway 270 for several miles then turns southwest, ascending to Mountain Station. 25

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