Aspects Involved in Web Design There are many different aspects to web design. When you are looking for a web design company, it is important to make sure that they have experience in all of the different areas of web design so that your website can be as successful as possible. Some of the different aspects of web design include: Web design basics: This includes the layout of your website, the fonts you use, and the colours you choose Web graphics: From logos, images, and infographics to the images that you use for your products and blogs, web design companies can cover these areas. Web programming: Coding your website, creating buttons and menus, and setting up databases. You need to work with a professional web development company to ensure that UX UI design is incorporated in your website. Website optimisation: The process includes making sure your website is search engine friendly and that it loads quickly. A digital agency often features specialist web designers and content marketing strategies to work on this in tandem. Ecommerce: This includes setting up online stores and payment systems. Marketing: From creating online marketing campaigns and designing landing pages, the best designers can deliver the graphic design that you need for your brand strategy and marketing. When looking for a web design company, it is important to make sure that they have experience in all of these areas so that they can create a website that is perfect for your business.