XXXX Did Not Vote To Keep An Increase In Oil Company Taxes Going To Oil Spill Liability Fund From Being Counted As A Budget Offset. In June 2010, XXXX did not vote on a Vitter, R-La., amendment no. 4312 to the Baucus, D-Mont., substitute amendment no. 4301. The Vitter amendment would prevent funds generated by an increase in taxes on oil companies for the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund from being counted as an offset for purposes of the Budget Act or the 2010 pay-as-you-go law. The substitute would extend several expired tax provisions, unemployment insurance benefits, federal Medicaid assistance to states, increased payments to doctors that see Medicare patients, federal flood insurance and other programs. [Vote 188, 6/15/10] XXXX Did Not Vote To Keep Tax Exemptions And Deductions For Oil And Gas Companies. In June 2010, XXXX did not vote on a Sanders, I-Vt., amendment no. 4318 to the Baucus, D-Mont., substitute amendment no. 4301. The Sanders amendment would repeal tax exemptions and deductions for oil and gas companies, including the deduction for income attributable to domestic production of oil, natural gas and primary products of these fuels. It would also appropriate $2 billion annually to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program for fiscal 2011 through 2015. The substitute would extend several expired tax provisions, unemployment insurance benefits, federal Medicaid assistance to states, increased payments to doctors that see Medicare patients, federal flood insurance and other programs. [Vote 187, 6/15/10] XXXX Twice Rejected Windfall Profits Tax for Big Oil in 2005. In November 2005, XXXX voted against imposing a temporary 50% tax on oil company profits from the sale of any crude oil above $40 a barrel. Revenues from the tax would be used to provide income tax rebates to consumers. The same day, McConnell voted against a separate but similar windfall tax amendment that would use the revenue to provide a $100 income tax credit for every personal exemption. [Vote 331, 11/17/05; Vote 341, 11/17/05; Houston Chronicle, 11/17/05; Las Vegas Review-Journal, 11/18/05; Environment and Energy Daily¸ 11/18/05] KEYSTONE PIPELINE XXXX Voted In Favor Of Approving The Keystone XL Pipeline. In March 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Hoeven, R-N.D., amendment no. 494 that would create a deficit-neutral reserve fund to allow for legislation that would provide for the approval and construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline as long as the legislation's costs are offset without raising revenue. The amendment was adopted by a vote of 62-37 (D 17-35; R 45-0; I 0-2). [Vote 61, 3/22/13]  Rober Voted Against Studying Keystone XL Pipeline. In March 2013, XXXX voted against Boxer, D-Calif., amendment no. 622 that would create a deficit-neutral reserve fund to allow for legislation to provide for an analysis of the impact of approving the Keystone XL Pipeline, including whether it would raise oil prices, harm domestic energy security, use material not manufactured in the United States or adversely affect individual property rights, job creation or national security. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 33-66 (D 32-20; R 0-45; I 1-1). [Vote 60, 3/22/13] XXXX Voted to Approve Construction of Keystone XL Pipeline Without Further Environmental Review. In 2012, XXXX voted for an amendment that would provide for approval of the Keystone XL pipeline between Canada and the United States. It would require that the route for the pipeline in Nebraska be submitted by the state of Nebraska. It also would provide for certain environmental protections. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 56-42. [S.1813, Vote #34, 3/8/12; Roll Call, 3/8/12] XXXX Voted to Approve Keystone Pipeline, Expand Oil and Gas Drilling in New Areas Including ANWR. In 2012, XXXX voted for an amendment that would extend energy tax credit programs, excluding the production credit and the stimulus grant program that expired in 2011. It also would approve the Keystone XL pipeline and expand oil and gas drilling in new areas, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Provisions would be partially offset by extending the federal employee pay freeze through 2013. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 41-57. [S.1813, Vote #38, 3/13/12] XXXX Voted Against Requirement to Keep Keystone Pipeline Oil in America, Require Keystone Pipeline to Be Built With American Parts. In 2012, XXXX voted against an amendment that would prohibit the export of 107

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