XXXX Voted To Ban EPA Regulation of Carbon Emissions. In March 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Inhofe, R-Okla., amendment no. 359 that would adjust the resolution to assume for a ban on the EPA regulation of carbon emissions. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 47-52 (D 3-49; R 44-1; I 0-2). [Vote 76, 3/23/13] XXXX Voted To Delay Regulations Against Mercury And Air Toxins. In March 2013, XXXX voted in favor of Coats, R-Ind., amendment no. 514 that would establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to allow for legislation regarding executive branch decisions to issue presidential exemptions from EPA's hazardous air toxins standards, including mercury, as long as the legislation's costs are offset without raising new revenue. According to Coats, the amendment “addresses an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule known as the Mercury and Air Toxins Standard or MATS rule… The EPA’s compliance deadline for its MATS rule is April 2015, with a one year extension available from state authorities. Utility plants across the country already have invested hundreds of millions of dollars to comply with this rule. However, some plants may not be able to complete upgrades in time, as the necessary technology and workforce needed to reach compliance is limited.” The amendment was rejected by a vote of 46-53 (D 4-48; R 42-3; I 0-2). [Vote 72, 3/22/13; Press Release, Sen. Dan Coats, 3/22/13] XXXX Led Effort To Nullify EPA Rule On Mercury & Air Toxins Standards. In June 2012, XXXX supported motion to proceed to the joint resolution that would nullify the EPA rule regarding the establishment of Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for certain utilities. The motion was rejected by a vote of 46-53. [Vote 139, 6/20/12] XXXX Voted to Delay Implementation of EPA Boiler Emission Standards for Five Years. In 2012, XXXX voted for an amendment that would delay the implementation of EPA emission standards for industrial and commercial boilers, known as Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards, and grant the agency 15 months to propose new rules. It would delay the compliance date for the new rules by five years. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 52-46. [S.1813, Vote #30, 3/8/12] ENERGY INDEPENDENCE XXXX Voted Against Pressuring OPEC to Lower Oil Prices and Opening the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Energy Bill that urged the President to encourage the OPEC to increase their production of oil and 1 million barrels of oil be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve every day for 30 days. [Vote 147, 6/22/05] XXXX Voted Against Cutting Oil Imports By 40%. In 2005, XXXX voted against a proposal to reduce America’s dependency on foreign oil by 40% over 20 years. [Vote 140, 6/16/05] XXXX Opposed Reducing America’s Dependence on Foreign Oil. Despite the fact that it would only set goals for reducing dependence on foreign oil, rather than setting hard requirements, XXXX voted against an amendment that encouraged President Bush to develop measures to reduce the nation’s dependency on foreign petroleum by 40 percent before 2025. [Vote 140, 6/16/05; Oil Daily, 6/17/05] XXXX Voted to Reduce US Dependence on Foreign Oil. In June 2003, XXXX voted for an amendment that required the president to develop and implement measures to reduce total demand for petroleum in the United States by 1 million barrels per day by 2013, with the aim of reducing dependence on foreign oil. It also required the president to submit an annual progress report to Congress. [Vote 213, 6/10/03] BIG OIL XXXX Voted Against Ending Tax Breaks For Big Oil. In March 2012, XXXX voted against a motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the bill that would roll back certain tax preferences for large oil and gas companies. The bill would use revenue generated from eliminating certain oil and gas tax incentives to pay for an extension of some renewable-energy tax credits and incentives. The motion was rejected by a vote of 51-47 (D 47- 4; R 2-43; I 2-0). [Vote 63, 3/29/12] 106

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