XXXX Voted To Promote Greenhouse Gas Reductions. In 2005, XXXX voted for an amendment to the Energy Bill that would have promoted, but not required use of technology that would reduce greenhouse gases in American and around the world. [Vote 144, 6/21/05] XXXX Voted Against Two Amendments To Reduce Greenhouse Gases. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment that limited greenhouse gas emissions to 2000 levels by 2010. The amendment also allowed for the trading of emission allowances and reductions through a government sponsored greenhouse gas database that maintained an inventory of emissions and a registry of reductions. XXXX then voted to kill an amendment that called for mandatory, market-based emissions regulation and incentive programs. [Vote 148, 6/22/05; Vote 149, 6/22/05] XXXX Voted For Bill to Promote Technologies to Reduce Greenhouse Gases. In June 2005, XXXX voted for an amendment that promoted the export of technologies that reduced greenhouse gas intensity in the United States and in developing countries. Also, the bill provided credit-based financial assistance and investment protection for projects that utilized advanced climate technologies or systems in the United States. [Vote 144, 6/21/05; Los Angeles Times, 6/23/05]  XXXX Voted Against Amendment To Reduce Green House Emissions. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment to limit greenhouse emissions. McCain’s amendment would have limited greenhouse gas emissions to 2000 levels by 2010. The amendment would also have allowed the trading of emission allowances and reductions through a government sponsored greenhouse gas database that maintained an inventory of emissions and a registry of reductions. [Vote 148, 6/22/05; CBS, Market Watch, 6/22/05]  XXXX Voted Against Reducing Health Risks Caused by Climate Change. In 2005, XXXX voted against an amendment to the Energy Bill that expressed the sense of the Senate that the United States should act to reduce the health risks caused by global climate change. The amendment also urged the United States to re-engage in international Kyoto protocol negotiations. [Vote 151, 6/22/05] XXXX Voted Against Reducing Dangerous Greenhouse Gases. In October 2003, XXXX voted against an amendment that would have removed text from the 2003 Energy Bill and replaced it with provisions from the Climate Stewardship Act that would have required greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced to 2000 levels by 2010. The amendment provided a program of scientific research on climate change, established a national greenhouse gas database, and created a market-driven system of greenhouse gas tradable allowances. [Vote 420, 10/30/03] CAP AND TRADE XXXX Voted to Block Climate Change Bill. In June 2008, XXXX voted against considering a sweeping climate change bill, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act that would cap the production of heat-trapping gases and force polluters to buy permits to emit carbon dioxide. Although the bill enjoyed bipartisan support, Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) charged that Republicans were "refusing to address one of the most important issues of our time." He said Democrats "have tried to curb global warming, lower gas prices and invest in renewable energy, but Republicans have squandered each opportunity." [Washington Post, 6/07/08; New York Times, 6/07/08; Vote 145, 6/06/08] EPA REGULATIONS XXXX Voted Against Allowing EPA To Inspect Farmland Via The Air Even If It Was More Cost Effective. In June 2012, XXXX voted against Boxer, D-Calif., amendment no. 2456 that would allow the EPA administrator to conduct aerial overflights to inspect agricultural operations only if it was deemed more cost-effective than ground inspections and EPA has notified state officials of such flights. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 47-48. [Vote 158, 6/21/12] 105

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