crude oil transported by the Keystone XL pipeline and related facilities unless the prohibition is waived by the president, and require the use of U.S. iron, steel and manufactured goods in the construction of the pipeline, with certain exceptions. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 33-65. [S.1813, Vote #33, 3/8/12; Roll Call, 3/8/12] GAS PRICES XXXX Voted to Kill Amendment to Make Price Gouging a Federal Crime. On November 17, 2005 XXXXX voted to kill an amendment that would have made price gouging on energy products, services or markets a federal crime. [Vote 334, 11/17/05] XXXX Voted To Eliminate $2.4 Billion Tax Incentive for Big Oil. In November 2005, XXXX voted in favor of a Democratic attempt to eliminate a five-year, $2.4 billion tax incentive for oil and gas companies that was enacted in the 2005 energy bill. Specifically, the provision allowed oil and gas companies to write off in a single year of so- called intangible drilling costs of exploration and development. [Vote 332, 11/17/05; E&E News, 11/17/05; CQ Today, 11/17/05] XXXX Voted to Kill Amendment That Would Have Helped Reduce Gas Prices. In June 2005, XXXX voted to help kill an amendment that would have urged the President to encourage the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to increase production. The amendment also would have called for 1 million barrels of oil to be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve everyday for 30 days, to help relieve rising gas prices. [Vote 147, 6/22/05] GAS TAX XXXX Voted Against A Bill To Suspend Federal Gas Taxes. In 2000, XXXX voted against motion to close debate on the Federal Fuel Tax Holiday Act of 2000 (S. 2285). The bill would suspend the 4.3-cent per gallon Federal excise tax on gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and aviation fuel, from April 16 to December 31, 2000. In the event the national average price of unleaded regular gasoline rises to $2 per gallon, the bill would further suspend all Federal excise taxes on fuels (retaining only the 0.1-percent portion devoted to the Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Trust Fund). The cloture motion was rejected, 43-56. [Vote 80, 4/11/00] XXXX Voted To Reject Gasoline Tax Increases To Eliminate The Combustion Engine. In 2000, XXXX voted for an amendment that would express the sense of the Senate that the levels in this resolution "assume that the Senate will not, on behalf of Vice President Al Gore, increase gasoline and diesel fuel taxes by $1.50 per gallon effective July 1, 2000, and by an additional $1.50 per gallon effective fiscal year 2005, as part of 'a coordinated global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine, over, say, a twenty-five year period.' The amendment was agreed to, 99-0. [Vote 60, 4/6/00] XXXX Voted Against Cloture On A Bill To Suspend Federal Gas Taxes. In 2000, XXXX voted against a motion to close debate on the motion to proceed to the Federal Fuel Tax Holiday Act of 2000 (S. 2285). The bill would suspend the 4.3-cent per gallon Federal excise tax on gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and aviation fuel, from April 16 to December 31, 2000. The cloture motion was agreed to, 86-11. [Vote 51, 3/30/00] CAFE STANDARDS AND OIL CONSUMPTION XXXX Opposed Energy Bill that Increased Fuel Economy Standards. In 2007, XXXX voted against an energy bill that overhauled national energy policies. The bill, among other things, increased CAFE standards to 35 mpg by 2020. [Vote 226, 6/21/07; Washington Post, 6/22/07] XXXX Voted Against Boosting CAFE Standards. In 2005, XXXX voted against mandating phased increases in CAFE standards. Passenger vehicles made before 2008 would have to average 25 mpg. The standard would gradually increase to 40 mpg by model year 2016. Non-passenger vehicles made before 2008 would have to average 17 mpg. By model year 2016, the standard would rise to an average of 27.5 mpg. [Vote 157, 6/23/05] 108

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