devalue its currency. Trump said he would put a tariff on Chinese products, saying ‘you have to’ have a trade war. ‘Their leaders are intelligent, ours aren't,’ Trump said Monday.” [The Hill, 8/25/15; The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15] Trump Said He Would Start A Trade War With China, Stating “You Have To Do That ... You Have No Choice.” “Trump, who has made a similar call with Mexico, said Monday that he would initiate a trade war with China, saying ‘you have to do that ... you have no choice.’: [CNN, 8/25/15; The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15] Trump Said He Would Impose Import Tariffs Of Up To 12 Percent On China. “As for China, Trump said he would play hardball with Beijing on trade. He accused China of devaluing its currency and said he would hit the Chinese with import tariffs of up to 12 percent.” [Public Radio International, 9/7/15] • The Economist’s David Rennie: “If [Donald Trump] Did One-Tenth Of What He’s Planning, He Would Trigger A Global Trade War, Which Would Cause A Kind Of Global Recession And Cost Lots Of Jobs.” “The editors at The Economist looked at the overall implications of Trump’s policy ideas and were less than impressed. ‘Americans are waking up to the possibility that a man whose hobby is naming things after himself might — conceivably — be the nominee of the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It is worth spelling out why that would be a terrible thing,’ they write in the latest issue of the magazine. ‘From an economics point-of-view, we think that if he did one-tenth of what he’s planning, he would trigger a global trade war, which would cause a kind of global recession and cost lots of jobs,’ [David] Rennie [Washington bureau chief for The Economist] says.” [Public Radio International, 9/7/15] 2011: TRUMP SAID HE WOULD IMPOSE A 25% TAX ON CHINESE PRODUCTS Trump Said He Would Immediately Announce A 25% Tax On Chinese Products. TRUMP: “And if you read the real economists and real people that know what's going on it's an unfair playing field. So here's what happens. You said what would I do? I would immediately announce a tax of 25 percent. The first thing that's going to happen is the Chinese are going to call.”[Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11] TRUMP’S SOLUTION FOR REDUCING THE DEBT: BILL CHINA FOR STEALING TRADE SECRETS Trump On The Reducing The Debt: Send China A Bill For Stolen Trade Secrets. VAN SUSTEREN: But if we -- if we -- but if we do just say, OK, we're taking off our debt the cost of what you just took from us in Pakistan, I mean, since the debt isn't -- I mean, since we're not paying them off soon, I mean, do they -- do they even really care if we do that because there's so much money.” TRUMP: “Well, I wouldn't start that way. I'd just send them a bill for the value of the secrets that they've stolen. Now, of course, they're stealing them from Boeing and from General Electric and from everybody else also. If you look at what they forced General Electric to do or if you look at what they're trying to do with Boeing, it's very, very sad that the companies are succumbing to it.” [On The Record, Fox News, 8/17/11] CUBA TRUMP IN 1999: CASTRO “IS A MURDERER, HE’S A KILLER” AND THE EMBARGO “MUST STAND” Confidential Page 86

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