• 10/20/15: Donald Trump Said It Was Important To Keep Troops In Afghanistan. “But when pressed on that answer Tuesday, Trump denied that he had characterized U.S. entry into Afghanistan as a mistake and said he had only talked about Iraq. ‘I never said that. OK, wouldn't matter, I never said it. Afghanistan is a different kettle. Afghanistan is next to Pakistan, it's an entry in. You have to be careful with the nuclear weapons. It's all about the nuclear weapons. By the way, without the nukes, it's a whole different ballgame,’ Trump said. Trump has long bashed the Iraq War, saying again Tuesday that the decision to go there destabilized the Middle East and created an opening for Iran. But he said Tuesday that the Afghanistan War was necessary and said he supported keeping a limited number of troops there. ‘Do I love anything about it? No. I think it's important, number one, that we keep a presence there and ideally a presence of pretty much what they're talking about -- 5,000 soldiers,’ Trump said Tuesday.” [CNN, 10/20/15] CHINA TRUMP ON CHINA IN 2011” “I THINK THEY’RE ENEMIES” Trump Said That The Chinese Were Enemies. MORGAN: “There are towns in China that sell 95 percent of the world's duvets. You know, they manufacture 85 percent of the world's buttons. Now I don't think that's the enemy. I think it's a potential business friend. Isn't it? Can't we work with them?” TRUMP: “I don't think they're friends. I think they're enemies. I deal with Chinese. I just sold an apartment to a Chinese person for $33 million a short while ago -- a couple of months ago. I mean I'm supposed to like the Chinese but I understand the Chinese and I deal with them all the time. Now this is before they thought I might run for president. They consider our leaders extremely stupid people. They cannot believe what they get away with. Whether it's the Olympics where they put people under age and they say, no, no, no, and then we find out it was true and they say, oh, we just didn't know. Or whether they have the beautiful girl singing the national anthem, their national anthem, but it wasn't her singing. So many different things. I mean the Chinese are looking to put us under and believe me they are not our friends. I'm surprised at you because you're not somebody that's easily misled or misguided… They are not our friend.” [Piers Morgan Tonight, Fox News, 2/9/11] TRUMP VOWED NOT TO THROW CHINESE PRESIDENT XI JINPING A STATE DINNER, AND WOULD INSTEAD HAVING A WORKING DINNER OVER “A DOUBLE SIZE BIG MAC” Trump Said He Would Give The Chinese President A “A Double Size Big Mac” Instead Of A State Dinner. “Trump vowed Monday not to throw Chinese President Xi Jinping a lavish state dinner as the Chinese leader will enjoy in September when he visits the U.S. for meetings with President Barack Obama, a little over a year after Jinping hosted Obama in China. ‘I'd get him a McDonald's hamburger and I'd say we gotta get down to work, because you can't continue to devalue (the Chinese currency),’ Trump said Monday night on Fox News. ‘I would give him a very, yeah, but I would give him a double, probably a double size Big Mac.’” [CNN, 8/25/15; The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, 8/24/15] TRUMP: THERE’S NO CHOICE BUT TO START A TRADE WAR WITH CHINA In Response To China Devaluing Their Currency, Trump Said He Would Put A Tariff On Chinese Products And Claimed We “Have To” Have A Trade War With China. “Challenged by host Bill O'Reilly, the celebrity real estate tycoon doubled down on what has become a main issue in his campaign, criticizing the U.S. government for allowing China to Confidential Page 85

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