Trump On Cuba Embargo: Fidel Castro “Is A Murderer, He's A Killer, He's A Bad Guy In Every Respect, And, Frankly, The Embargo Against Cuba Must Stand.” TRUMP: “It goes into the pockets of Fidel Castro. He's a murderer, he's a killer, he's a bad guy in every respect, and, frankly, the embargo against Cuba must stand if for no other reason than, if it does stand, he will come down. He will tumble down, and it will finally happen. What a waste of energy and time and effort if this government opens up Cuba before Castro is gone. It's going to line his pockets, the country will become wealthy again, and it will have the same regime it's had for so many years, and that's a regime headed by Fidel Castro. And it's inconceivable to me when I see the weak stance taken by our current administration, inconceivable that this can happen, especially with the spirit in this room because the spirit of the Cuban people is beyond any spirit that I've seen by any people, and I've been watching it for a long time. Things can change.”[Donald Trump Speech, Cuban-American National Foundation, Miami FL, 11/22/99] • Trump Said That He Had Rejected Business Deals In Cuba Because The Money Would Flow To Fidel Castro. TRUMP: “I've had a lot of offers -- and sadly it's all been very recently -- to go into Cuba on deals, business deals, real estate and other deals, and I've rejected them on the basis that I will go when Cuba is free. As you know -- and the people in this room know better than anyone -- putting money and investing money in Cuba right now doesn't go to the people of Cuba. It goes into the pockets of Fidel Castro.” [Donald Trump Speech, Cuban-American National Foundation, Miami FL, 11/22/99] EGYPT Trump Praised Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak And Criticized The U.S. For Allowing Him To Be Deposed. TRUMP: “I mean, if you look at what happened in Egypt -- look what we did to our wonderful leader of Egypt, who really was at least outwardly -- and you know, whether he loved Israel or not behind the scenes -- let's assume he didn't. But at least he was somewhat of an ally to Israel. He helped Israel. Look what's going to happen with respect to Egypt and Israel. You can already see it, the level of hatred, the level of animosity that Egypt now has for Israel. Unbelievable. So instead of helping them to keep their power, we make it possible for him to be overthrown. And now he's sitting in a cage in a courthouse. He'll probably be sentenced to death. And our other allies watch that and they say, What kind of an ally is the United States? Why should we go with the United States, when they look at what happened in Egypt?”[On The Record, Fox News, 8/31/11] FRANCE Donald Trump Said France Was "The Worst Partner That This Country Has Ever Had" And Would “Sell A Nuclear Weapon To Anybody Giving Them 10 Cents More Than The Next Guy.” “Mr. Trump used his appearance on Fox to criticize a number of U.S. allies and trading partners. … He denounced France as ‘the worst partner that this country has ever had.’ ‘They'll sell a nuclear weapon to anybody giving them 10 cents more than the next guy,’ he said. ‘They are a very disloyal group in terms of their government, and I think they have to be taught respect,’ Mr. Trump said.” [Washington Times, 11/1/99] • 10/31/99: Donald Trump: “France Has To Be The Worst Partner That This Country Has Ever Had.” They Have “Been A Very Disloyal Partner To The United States And Virtually Anybody Else They Deal With.” “If you look throughout the world, France has to be the worst partner that this country has ever had. Confidential Page 87

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