Reuters: On The Clinton Health Access Initiative’s 2010-2014 Donor Disclosure, “Many Were Grouped Together As ‘Individual Donations’, Which Cumulatively Came To Less Than $1 Million.” “In the donor list that CHAI published this year, for the first time since its spin-off from the Clinton Foundation, not all donors were identified. Many were grouped together as ‘Individual Donations’, which cumulatively came to less than $1 million. Those donations were small and so ‘did not warrant posting,’ said Daley.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Reuters: “CHAI, Which Is Best Known For Helping To Reduce The Cost Of Drugs For People With HIV In The Developing World, Published A Partial Donor List For The First Time Only This Year.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] Clinton Health Access Initiative Spokeswoman: Not Disclosing Donors Between 2010-2013 “Was An Oversight Which We Made Up For This Year.” “CHAI should have published the names during 2010-2013, when Clinton was in office, CHAI spokeswoman Maura Daley acknowledged this week. ‘Not doing so was an oversight which we made up for this year,’ she told Reuters in an email when asked why it had not published any donor lists until a few weeks ago.” [Reuters, 3/19/15] CLINTON FOUNDATION INVESTMENTS SUMMARY Year1 Total Investments Equity securities Certificates of deposit Endowment funds Programmatic investments Other Investment Return Investment Income 2013 18,369,258 0 1,545,585 14,649,160 2,174,513 719,260 159,457 2012 3,449,166 7,500 1,811,109 292,3022 1,363,066 521,106 487,358 2011 2,640,096 7,500 200,000 267,491 2,165,105 164,826 68,423 2010 645,630 304,026 238,026 52,088 2009 468,304 260,804 204,096 196,780 2008 1,460,988 233,301 2,576,4563 2007 6,484,9374 57,8875 1,200,0006 07 227,0508 3,024,4769 2006 1,422,056 200,000 1,000,000 168,806 53,25010 1,060,759 2005 384,564 181,750 100,000 102,814 294,343 In 2004, Clinton Foundation Changed Its Method Of Accounting, As Described Below Under “Investment Definitions And Values.” Year11 Total Equity Certificates Endowment Programmatic Other Investment Return / 1 Unless otherwise noted, information for each year is from the following year’s IRS 990 (i.e. 2009 information is from the 2009-10 IRS Form 990, released in 2011). 2 Schedule D, Part V, 2012. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 9/10/13] 3 Clinton Foundation 2008-9 IRS 990 Form appears to conflate the two. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/10/10] 4 This must include $5 million in (unspecified) investments that are not publicly-traded securities, which is unusual in comparison to other years. 5 Statement 18, 2007. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 12/12/08] 6 Ibid. 7 Ibid. 8 Ibid., “Mutual Funds.” 9 Clinton Foundation 2007-8 IRS 990 Form appears to conflate the two. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 12/12/08] 10 Statement 15, 2006. Unrestricted Real Estate. [Clinton Foundation, IRS Form 990, 11/14/07]

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