Video: here [cut off, very beginning] Q – HRC honest? She needs to answer questions like I am, talk to the press, etc. Not going to hide from people that don’t agree with me Hit her for excluding press from pool as “ridiculous” Relationship with press Gov. Jeb Bush, Derry NH, Bender Periscope Taping Hannity Interview 6/16/15 Video: here [cut off, very beginning] Q – HRC honest? She needs to answer questions like I am, talk to the press, etc. Not going to hide from people that don’t agree with me Hit her for excluding press from pool as “ridiculous” Clinton Foundation Donald Trump, Hannity 6/17/15 Video: Here [01:45] -Between foundations and speeches I would question that -She hasn’t done anything to help people -Taking money from foreign countries is a conflict of interests and may be illegal. A republican would go to jail Sen. Rand Paul, Fox News, Hannity 6/15/15 Watch here Rand Paul Said It Would Be Difficult For Hillary Clinton To Be A Champion Of Women’s Rights When She Was Taking Money From Saudi Arabia And Brunei. RAND PAUL: “Well, the thing is, is that it's so bad in Saudi Arabia that a woman was raped there by seven men, and the woman was publicly whipped. The woman was actually then put in prison for being in the car with an unmarried man. And that's the kind of country and that's the kind of culture that she's taking money from. It's going to be very hard for her to run as the candidate for women's rights when she's taking money. You know, she took money from the sultan of Brunei, where adultery is punished by stoning. It's going to be hard to be the champion of women's rights when you're taking money from these places. So I think it really is going to be difficult for her.” [Hannity, Fox News, 6/15/15] Rand Paul Questioned If We Really Wanted Hillary Clinton As Commander-In-Chief When She Presided Over The Sale Of A Uranium Company To Russia While Taking Money From Shareholders, Arguing It Should Disqualify Her. RAND PAUL: “And I think it's even worse than that.

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