Rick Perry suggests, let’s go out to the movies. In a rather strange 60-second web ad, the Perry campaign shows a silhouette of Hillary Clinton (you can tell by the hair flip) driving a van and rather inexplicably stopping to catch a movie, as seen on the theater marquee, as “Stop Hillary Clinton.” Apparently alone in the theater, Clinton’s canned laughter can be heard chuckling and chortling as short clips of TV news personalities recite problems the Democrat has faced. The voice-overs reference the Benghazi attacks, destruction of e-mails while Secretary of State and foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation. All alone, the Clinton figure chuckles through the litany in the dark theater until she ends in a real belly laugh. Then she drives away laughing in her van with a request for a donation to Help Stop Hillary. It’s kitschy and off-beat. But it’s also small-ball and uses someone’s own laugh to mock them. It’s about as low-brow as you can go. Compare and contrast to a new web release from Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who also takes aim at Clinton. He uses his own campaign speech to refute the assertions Clinton made in a major campaign speech on Saturday. She talks about how the GOP field is all longing for yesterday, quoting the Beatles song. Her clip is immediately followed by one from a recent Rubio speech about how yesterday is over and he is looking at tomorrow. He seems powerful and connected to a room full of supporters. She seems to be halting and reading, isolated on a dais. Walker: There Seems To Be One Set Of Rules For The Clintons And A Different Set Of Rules For Everyone Else. “With Clinton as the expected Democratic nominee, her four-year stint as Obama’s secretary of state needs to be heavily scrutinized, Walker said … ‘This is part of a disturbing pattern that goes beyond just college and college costs,’ he added. ‘But with the Clintons, there seem to be one set of rules for them and, they think, a different set of rules for everybody else.’” [Boston Herald, 6/18/15] Trustworthiness Donald Trump, Hannity 6/17/15 Video: Here [01:45] How do you beat HRC? -I don’t think she is honest and trustworthy -If a republican had deleted emails she would have faced jail time Carly Fiorina, Hugh Hewitt 6/17/15 HRC server: - I’m not surprised Axelrod and Daley didn’t know - As we learn more about this Chinese breach of OPM, of course that server was hacked - A majority of Americans consider her untrustworthy - Reconfirms that we better have a nominee that will ask these questions over and over again - I’ve been pretty transparent about everything in my life - What is troubling about HRC is that there is so much we don’t know - It’s one question after another, it has always been this way - The more we learn, it doesn’t add up Gov. Jeb Bush, Derry NH, Bender Periscope Taping Hannity Interview 6/16/15

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