Our goal is to prove that the Republican Party should compete in all 50 states. Many Republicans travel to California to raise money. Our goal is to show that we can win in California and compete. I think only a liberty-minded Republican candidate can have a chance. I think it has to be somebody who does not want to put people in jail for 20 years for marijuana, somebody who has a position that they’ll defend your right to privacy and somebody who believes in a reasonable, restrained foreign policy. I think we line up really well with a lot of folks in California who are maybe disgruntled Republicans or independents or even some Democrats. It will be interesting to see what happens if we get polled in California to see if we do any better than—they don’t tend to poll the primaries out there, it’s not until June so it doesn’t get polled very much. Gov. Jeb Bush, Announcement Speech 6/15/15 Video: here [beginning] Choice taking shape already, no-suspense primary for a no-change election, slog on with same election under another name – that’s all they’ve got left Rand Paul Said There Was A “Bush-Clinton Fatigue In The Country” And Even Democrats Would Be Surprised When People Became Engaged And Started Making Decisions. “Paul says, ‘I think there’s Bush-Clinton fatigue in the country, and I think even on the Democrats’ side, they’re going to be surprised once people get engaged in this and start making decisions.’ Paul says he’s not worried about how much money Bush is raising for his campaign, saying, ‘We think we’ll be competitive, and we’ll find out when they start counting the votes. … We’ll have enough to stay competitive.’” [Associated Press, 6/15/15] Rand Paul Said That He Would Be Shocked If We Ended Up With A Bush Or A Clinton Because People Were Looking For Something New And “Something This Century.” “‘I think there is some Bush-Clinton fatigue and I really sense that people are looking for something new—something this century kind of stuff. I think there’s a hunger for something new out there,’ Paul said. ‘I would be surprised really if we end up with a Bush or a Clinton. I will be shocked to tell you the truth.’” [Breitbart, 6/15/15] Rand Paul Tweeted That Hillary Clinton Would “Take Us Back To The Failed Policies Of The Past.” “.@HillaryClinton will take us back to the failed policies of the past. Join us to stop her! #LibertyNotHillary” [@RandPaul, Twitter, 6/13/15] Authenticity Gov. Rick Perry, 6/15/15 Perry mocks Clinton and her laugh in chortling web ad Christy Hoppe 6/15/15

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