We're going to have a race to be commander-in-chief. Do we want her to be the commander-in-chief when she's taken money from people who allowed -- you know, she basically presided over the sale of a uranium company to the Russians while taking money from the shareholders of the uranium company. So I would think that that really should disqualify her from being a candidate.” [Hannity, Fox News, 6/15/15] Rand Paul Said That Bill Clinton Was Paid By A Swedish Company That Was Applying To The State Department For An Exemption To Sanctions Against Iran And Also Was Paid By A Bank Lobbying The State Department Over A Uranium Deal. SEAN HANNITY: “The handling of Benghazi, or the $26 million the Clinton Foundation got in Sweden while they were petitioning her as secretary of state so that they can get an exemption and continue to trade and do business with Iran, while everybody else was, you know, living by the sanctions in place. They got this exemption.” PAUL: “And about this time, I believe Bill Clinton gave a speech for that company and got about $700,000 while they were applying for an exemption from the sanctions against Iran. Something's really fishy. I think Bill Clinton also got money from a bank that was lobbying over the uranium deal. So there's a lot going on here. There's an endless supply of conflict of interest, and that's why her numbers as far as honesty/dishonesty are upside down.” [Hannity, Fox News, 6/15/15] Speaking Fees Donald Trump, Hannity 6/17/15 Video: Here [01:45] -I don’t think she is honest and trustworthy -Between foundations and speeches I would question that Walker Said It Was Hypocritical For Clinton To Complain About Student Loan Debt When She Charged Six-Figure Speaking Fees To Colleges And Universities. “The two-term Wisconsin governor also zeroed in on Clinton’s use of a private email for State Department business and her six-figure speaking fees, some of which came from speeches at colleges and universities. ‘When you think about it, this goes to part of the hypocrisy of sitting and complaining about student loan debt, then being part of what was driving up those costs in the first place,’ Walker said.” [Boston Herald, 6/18/15] Personal Finances Donald Trump, Hannity 6/17/15 Video: Here [01:45] -I laugh when she talks about income inequality Third Obama Term Donald Trump, Hannity 6/17/15 Video: Here [01:45] -she would be the third Obama term -she has gone very far to the left Jeb Bush Blasted Hillary Clinton’s “No-Suspense Primary” Warning That “The Presidency Should Not Be Passed On From One Liberal To The Next.” “He went after Hillary Rodham Clinton — who

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