Politico: “Jim Webb Has Suggested Many Times That While The Confederacy Is A Symbol To Many Of The Racist Legacy Of Slavery And Segregation, For Others It Simply Reflects Southern Pride.” “He has suggested many times that while the Confederacy is a symbol to many of the racist legacy of slavery and segregation, for others it simply reflects Southern pride. In a June 1990 speech in front of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, posted on his personal website, he lauded the rebels’ ‘gallantry,’ which he said ‘is still misunderstood by most Americans.’” [Politico, 6/10/08] Politico: In His 2004 Book, Jim Webb Criticized “The Attempt By…Revisionist Politicians And Academics To Defame The Entire Confederate Army.” “Webb expanded on his sentiments in his well- received 2004 book, ‘Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America,’ which portrays the Southern cause as at least understandable, if not wholly laudable. ‘The venerable Robert E. Lee has taken some vicious hits, as dishonest or misinformed advocates among political interest groups and in academia attempt to twist yesterday’s America into a fantasy that might better service the political issues of today,’ he wrote. ‘The greatest disservice on this count has been the attempt by these revisionist politicians and academics to defame the entire Confederate Army in a move that can only be termed the Nazification of the Confederacy.’ As in the Confederate Memorial speech, Webb suggests in his book that relatively few Southerners were slaveholders and that the war was fought over state sovereignty, which in the eyes of many at the time included the right to secede from the national government. ‘The states that had joined the Union after the Revolution considered themselves independent political entities, much like the countries of Europe do today,’ Webb wrote. ‘The 10th Amendment to the Constitution reserved to the states all rights not specially granted to the federal government, and in their view the states had thus retained their right to dissolve the federal relationship.’” [Politico, 6/10/08] 2015: O’MALLEY CALLED FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE GROUNDS Baltimore Sun: O’Malley “Joined The Chorus Of Elected Officials Who Have Called On Officials In South Carolina To Remove The Confederate Flag From The Grounds Of The State House In Columbia.” “The former Baltimore mayor also joined the chorus of elected officials who have called on officials in South Carolina to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds of the state house in Columbia. The battle flag flew above the capitol from 1962, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, until 2000, when it was removed to its current spot on the adjacent grounds. ‘If the families of Charleston can forgive, can let go of their anger, is it really too much to ask the state government officials of South Carolina to retire the Confederate flag to a museum?’ he said.” [Baltimore Sun, 6/21/15] O’Malley Asked Supporters To Sign A Petition To Take Down the Confederate Flag And Retire It To A Museum. [Twitter, @GovernorOMalley, 6/22/15] Bernie Sanders: “The Confederate Flag Is A Relic Of Our Nation’s Stained Racial History. It Should Come Down.” [Twitter, @BernieSanders, 6/22/15] 2007: SECRETARY CLINTON CALLED FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE GROUNDS… Then-Senator Clinton Speaking About The Confederate Flag At South Carolina’s Capitol In 2007: “I Personally Would Like To See It Removed From The Statehouse Grounds.” “Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that South Carolina should remove the Confederate flag from its Statehouse grounds, in part because the nation should unite under one banner while at war. ‘I think about how many South Carolinians have served in our military and who are serving today under our flag and I believe that we should have one flag that we all pay honor to, as I know that most people in South Carolina do every single day,’ Clinton told The Associated Press in an interview. ‘I personally would like to see it removed from the Statehouse grounds,’ the New York senator said during her first trip to the early voting state since announcing her White House bid.” [Associated Press, 2/19/07] …THOUGH THEN-ARKANSAS GOVERNOR BILL CLINTON SIGNED INTO LAW A BILL COMMEMORATING THE CONFEDERACY IN 1987

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