2016 Democrats on Charleston Shooting

CHARLESTON SHOOTING RESPONSES ACT OF TERROR SECRETARY CLINTON SAID WE SHOULD PASS LEGISLATION TO BAR THOSE ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST FROM OBTAINING GUNS Secretary Clinton Did Not Call The Charleston Shooter A Terrorist, But Said We Should Pass Laws To Stop Those On The Terrorist Watch List From Buying Guns. “It makes no sense that we wouldn’t come together to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, or people suffering from mental illnesses, even people on the terrorist watch list. That doesn’t make sense, and it is a rebuke to this nation we love and care about.” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] BERNIE SANDERS CALLED THE CHARLESTON SHOOTING AN “ACT OF TERROR” Bernie Sanders Called The Charleston Shooting “An Act Of Terror.” “In an email to supporters, Clinton's rival for the Democratic nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, called the shooting ‘an act of terror.’ ‘Nine of our fellow Americans were murdered while praying in a historic church because of the color of their skin,’ Sander said, adding: ‘This hateful killing is a horrific reminder that, while we have made important progress in civil rights for all of our people, we are far from eradicating racism.’” [Associated Press, 6/19/15] LINCOLN CHAFEE SAID THE CHARLESTON SHOOTING STARTED “A BENEFICIAL DISCUSSION ON WHAT CRIMES ARE CALLED ‘TERRORIST’” Lincoln Chafee: “Emerging From The Horrifying Tragedy Of The Charleston Massacre Is A Beneficial Discussion On What Crimes Are Called ‘Terrorist’ #Chafee2016” [Twitter, @LincolnChafee, 6/19/15] CONFEDERACY JIM WEBB HAS “SPOKEN FONDLY” OF THE CONFEDERACY IN THE PAST AND DEFENDED THOSE WHO SEE THE CONFEDERACY AS A SYMBOL OF “SOUTHERN PRIDE” Washington Post: “Webb Has Spoken Fondly Of His Confederate Roots And Defended The Southern States' Decision To Secede, Even Citing The ‘Nazification Of The Confederacy.’” [Washington Post, 9/23/14] Washington Post: Jim Webb “Has Confederate Roots, Has Praised Rebel Troops For Their ‘Gallantry’ During The Civil War, And In 1979 He Wrote A Washingtonian Magazine Article Questioning Whether Women Should Be On The Front Lines Of Battle.” “A Webb campaign would start with little national name recognition, little money and questions about his appeal. For a party that has made improving the lives of women a central part of its pitch this year, Webb has a controversial history of statements. Webb, who has Confederate roots, has praised Rebel troops for their ‘gallantry’ during the Civil War, and in 1979 he wrote a Washingtonian magazine article questioning whether women should be on the front lines of battle.” [Washington Post, 9/29/14] Politico: Jim Webb Had An “Affinity For The Cause Of The Confederacy.” “Barack Obama’s vice presidential vetting team will undoubtedly run across some quirky and potentially troublesome issues as it goes about the business of scouring the backgrounds of possible running mates. But it’s unlikely they’ll find one so curious as Virginia Democratic Sen. Jim Webb’s affinity for the cause of the Confederacy. Webb is no mere student of the Civil War era. He’s an author, too, and he’s left a trail of writings and statements about one of the rawest and most sensitive topics in American history.” [Politico, 6/10/08]

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