2016 Democrats on Charleston Shooting

CHARLESTON SHOOTING RESPONSES ACT OF TERROR SECRETARY CLINTON SAID WE SHOULD PASS LEGISLATION TO BAR THOSE ON THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST FROM OBTAINING GUNS Secretary Clinton Did Not Call The Charleston Shooter A Terrorist, But Said We Should Pass Laws To Stop Those On The Terrorist Watch List From Buying Guns. “It makes no sense that we wouldn’t come together to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, or people suffering from mental illnesses, even people on the terrorist watch list. That doesn’t make sense, and it is a rebuke to this nation we love and care about.” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] BERNIE SANDERS CALLED THE CHARLESTON SHOOTING AN “ACT OF TERROR” Bernie Sanders Called The Charleston Shooting “An Act Of Terror.” “In an email to supporters, Clinton's rival for the Democratic nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, called the shooting ‘an act of terror.’ ‘Nine of our fellow Americans were murdered while praying in a historic church because of the color of their skin,’ Sander said, adding: ‘This hateful killing is a horrific reminder that, while we have made important progress in civil rights for all of our people, we are far from eradicating racism.’” [Associated Press, 6/19/15] LINCOLN CHAFEE SAID THE CHARLESTON SHOOTING STARTED “A BENEFICIAL DISCUSSION ON WHAT CRIMES ARE CALLED ‘TERRORIST’” Lincoln Chafee: “Emerging From The Horrifying Tragedy Of The Charleston Massacre Is A Beneficial Discussion On What Crimes Are Called ‘Terrorist’ #Chafee2016” [Twitter, @LincolnChafee, 6/19/15] CONFEDERACY JIM WEBB HAS “SPOKEN FONDLY” OF THE CONFEDERACY IN THE PAST AND DEFENDED THOSE WHO SEE THE CONFEDERACY AS A SYMBOL OF “SOUTHERN PRIDE” Washington Post: “Webb Has Spoken Fondly Of His Confederate Roots And Defended The Southern States' Decision To Secede, Even Citing The ‘Nazification Of The Confederacy.’” [Washington Post, 9/23/14] Washington Post: Jim Webb “Has Confederate Roots, Has Praised Rebel Troops For Their ‘Gallantry’ During The Civil War, And In 1979 He Wrote A Washingtonian Magazine Article Questioning Whether Women Should Be On The Front Lines Of Battle.” “A Webb campaign would start with little national name recognition, little money and questions about his appeal. For a party that has made improving the lives of women a central part of its pitch this year, Webb has a controversial history of statements. Webb, who has Confederate roots, has praised Rebel troops for their ‘gallantry’ during the Civil War, and in 1979 he wrote a Washingtonian magazine article questioning whether women should be on the front lines of battle.” [Washington Post, 9/29/14] Politico: Jim Webb Had An “Affinity For The Cause Of The Confederacy.” “Barack Obama’s vice presidential vetting team will undoubtedly run across some quirky and potentially troublesome issues as it goes about the business of scouring the backgrounds of possible running mates. But it’s unlikely they’ll find one so curious as Virginia Democratic Sen. Jim Webb’s affinity for the cause of the Confederacy. Webb is no mere student of the Civil War era. He’s an author, too, and he’s left a trail of writings and statements about one of the rawest and most sensitive topics in American history.” [Politico, 6/10/08]

Politico: “Jim Webb Has Suggested Many Times That While The Confederacy Is A Symbol To Many Of The Racist Legacy Of Slavery And Segregation, For Others It Simply Reflects Southern Pride.” “He has suggested many times that while the Confederacy is a symbol to many of the racist legacy of slavery and segregation, for others it simply reflects Southern pride. In a June 1990 speech in front of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, posted on his personal website, he lauded the rebels’ ‘gallantry,’ which he said ‘is still misunderstood by most Americans.’” [Politico, 6/10/08] Politico: In His 2004 Book, Jim Webb Criticized “The Attempt By…Revisionist Politicians And Academics To Defame The Entire Confederate Army.” “Webb expanded on his sentiments in his well- received 2004 book, ‘Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America,’ which portrays the Southern cause as at least understandable, if not wholly laudable. ‘The venerable Robert E. Lee has taken some vicious hits, as dishonest or misinformed advocates among political interest groups and in academia attempt to twist yesterday’s America into a fantasy that might better service the political issues of today,’ he wrote. ‘The greatest disservice on this count has been the attempt by these revisionist politicians and academics to defame the entire Confederate Army in a move that can only be termed the Nazification of the Confederacy.’ As in the Confederate Memorial speech, Webb suggests in his book that relatively few Southerners were slaveholders and that the war was fought over state sovereignty, which in the eyes of many at the time included the right to secede from the national government. ‘The states that had joined the Union after the Revolution considered themselves independent political entities, much like the countries of Europe do today,’ Webb wrote. ‘The 10th Amendment to the Constitution reserved to the states all rights not specially granted to the federal government, and in their view the states had thus retained their right to dissolve the federal relationship.’” [Politico, 6/10/08] 2015: O’MALLEY CALLED FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE GROUNDS Baltimore Sun: O’Malley “Joined The Chorus Of Elected Officials Who Have Called On Officials In South Carolina To Remove The Confederate Flag From The Grounds Of The State House In Columbia.” “The former Baltimore mayor also joined the chorus of elected officials who have called on officials in South Carolina to remove the Confederate flag from the grounds of the state house in Columbia. The battle flag flew above the capitol from 1962, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, until 2000, when it was removed to its current spot on the adjacent grounds. ‘If the families of Charleston can forgive, can let go of their anger, is it really too much to ask the state government officials of South Carolina to retire the Confederate flag to a museum?’ he said.” [Baltimore Sun, 6/21/15] O’Malley Asked Supporters To Sign A Petition To Take Down the Confederate Flag And Retire It To A Museum. [Twitter, @GovernorOMalley, 6/22/15] Bernie Sanders: “The Confederate Flag Is A Relic Of Our Nation’s Stained Racial History. It Should Come Down.” [Twitter, @BernieSanders, 6/22/15] 2007: SECRETARY CLINTON CALLED FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE GROUNDS… Then-Senator Clinton Speaking About The Confederate Flag At South Carolina’s Capitol In 2007: “I Personally Would Like To See It Removed From The Statehouse Grounds.” “Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that South Carolina should remove the Confederate flag from its Statehouse grounds, in part because the nation should unite under one banner while at war. ‘I think about how many South Carolinians have served in our military and who are serving today under our flag and I believe that we should have one flag that we all pay honor to, as I know that most people in South Carolina do every single day,’ Clinton told The Associated Press in an interview. ‘I personally would like to see it removed from the Statehouse grounds,’ the New York senator said during her first trip to the early voting state since announcing her White House bid.” [Associated Press, 2/19/07] …THOUGH THEN-ARKANSAS GOVERNOR BILL CLINTON SIGNED INTO LAW A BILL COMMEMORATING THE CONFEDERACY IN 1987

Daily Caller: “In 1987, When [Secretary Clinton’s] Husband Was Governor Of Arkansas, Bill Clinton Signed Act 116 That Stated ‘The Blue Star Above The Word “ARKANSAS” Is To Commemorate The Confederate States Of America.’” “But while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has weighed in on the gun control aspect of the national discussion, the leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination has remained silent on the flag controversy. In 1987, when her husband was governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed Act 116 that stated ‘The blue star above the word ‘ARKANSAS’ is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.’” [Daily Caller, 6/20/15] COMMENTS ABOUT RACE Secretary Clinton: “It Is Tempting To Dismiss A Tragedy Like This As An Isolated Incident, To Believe That In Today’s America, Bigotry Is Largely Behind Us, That Institutionalized Racism No Longer Exists. But Despite Our Best Efforts And Our Highest Hopes, America’s Long Struggle With Race Is Far From Finished.” “And yet, bodies are once again being carried out of a Black church. Once again, racist rhetoric has metastasized into racist violence. Now, it’s tempting, it is tempting to dismiss a tragedy like this as an isolated incident, to believe that in today’s America, bigotry is largely behind us, that institutionalized racism no longer exists. But despite our best efforts and our highest hopes, America’s long struggle with race is far from finished.” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] In The Wake Of The Charleston Shooting, Secretary Clinton Cited Disparities Between Black And White Americans In Median Income, Housing Discrimination, Policing, Schooling, And Medical Care. “Race remains a deep fault line in America. Millions of people of color still experience racism in their everyday lives. Here are some facts. In America today, Blacks are nearly three times as likely as whites to be denied a mortgage. In 2013, the median wealth of Black families was around $11,000. For white families, it was more than $134,000.African American men are far more likely to be stopped and searched by police, charged with crimes, and sentenced to longer prison terms than white men, 10 percent longer for the same crimes in the federal system. In America today, our schools are more segregated than they were in the 1960s. How can any of that be true? How can it be true that Black children are 500 percent more likely to die from asthma than white kids? Five hundred percent!” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] Secretary Clinton: “We Can’t Hide From Any Of These Hard Truths About Race And Justice In America. We Have To Name Them And Own Them And Then Change Them.” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] Secretary Clinton In Response To Charleston Shooting: “In Order To Make Sense Of It, We Have To Be Honest. We Have To Face Hard Truths About Race, Violence, Guns And Division.” “‘How many innocent people in our country, from little children, to church members, to movie theater attendees, how many people do we need to see cut down before we act?’ said Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner for the 2016 presidential nomination, at an unrelated event in Las Vegas. ‘In order to make sense of it, we have to be honest. We have to face hard truths about race, violence, guns and division,’ she said.” [CNN, 6/18/15] Bernie Sanders: “This Hateful Killing Is A Horrific Reminder That, While We Have Made Important Progress In Civil Rights For All Of Our People, We Are Far From Eradicating Racism.” [Mic, 6/18/15] COMMENTS ABOUT GUN CONTROL IN THE WAKE OF THE CHARLESTON SHOOTING, SECRETARY CLINTON CALLED FOR ACTION ON GUN CONTROL, INCLUDING UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS AND GREATER RESTRICTIONS ON GUN PURCHASING

Secretary Clinton: “For Me And Many Others, One Immediate Response Was To Ask How It Could Be Possible That We As A Nation Still Allow Guns To Fall Into The Hands Of People Whose Hearts Are Filled With Hate.” “Like many of you, I was so overcome: How to turn grief, confusion into purpose and action? But that’s what we have to do. For me and many others, one immediate response was to ask how it could be possible that we as a nation still allow guns to fall into the hands of people whose hearts are filled with hate.” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] Secretary Clinton Called For Universal Background Checks Legislation In The Wake Of The Charleston Shooting. “What I hope with all of my heart is that we work together to make this debate less polarized, less inflamed by ideology, more informed by evidence, so we can sit down across the table, across the aisle from one another, and find ways to keep our communities safe while protecting constitutional rights. It makes no sense that bipartisan legislation to require universal background checks would fail in Congress, despite overwhelming public support.” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] Secretary Clinton: “It Makes No Sense That We Wouldn’t Come Together To Keep Guns Out Of The Hands Of Domestic Abusers, Or People Suffering From Mental Illnesses, Even People On The Terrorist Watch List.” “It makes no sense that we wouldn’t come together to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, or people suffering from mental illnesses, even people on the terrorist watch list. That doesn’t make sense, and it is a rebuke to this nation we love and care about.” [Remarks at U.S. Mayors Conference, 6/20/15] IN THE WAKE OF THE CHARLESTON SHOOTING, O’MALLEY CALLED FOR AN ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN AS WELL AS LAWS RESTRICTING STRAW PURCHASING OF GUNS Baltimore Sun: “Promising To ‘Rebuild The Heart Of America's Cities,’ Former Gov. Martin O'Malley Used An Appearance At A Meeting Of The Nation's Mayors On Sunday To Call For A Federal Ban On Assault Weapons And Stricter Regulations On Gun Purchases.” “Promising to ‘rebuild the heart of America's cities,’ former Gov. Martin O'Malley used an appearance at a meeting of the nation's mayors on Sunday to call for a federal ban on assault weapons and stricter regulations on gun purchases. O'Malley, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, told the annual meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors that the massacre at a black church in South Carolina last week demanded action from Washington. ‘I heard some elected officials say this week, 'laws can't change this,'‘ O'Malley told the group in San Francisco. ‘Actually, they can,’ he said. ‘How many senseless acts of violence do we have to endure as a people before we stand up to the congressional lobbyists of the NRA?’” [Baltimore Sun, 6/21/15] Washington Post: “Democratic Presidential Hopeful Martin O'Malley Sent A Tartly Worded E-Mail To Supporters Friday Saying He Is ‘Pissed’ By Congressional Inaction On Gun Control And Asking Them To Stand With Him In An Effort To Toughen Laws After This Week's Massacre At A Charleston, S.C., Church.” “Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley sent a tartly worded e-mail to supporters Friday saying he is ‘pissed’ by congressional inaction on gun control and asking them to stand with him in an effort to toughen laws after this week's massacre at a Charleston, S.C., church. ‘It's time we called this what it is: a national crisis,’ O'Malley said in the e-mail, which carried the subject header ‘I'm pissed’ and included links to a Web page to provide contact information to his campaign. He used the word ‘pissed’ four more times in the e-mail.” [Washington Post, 6/19/15] Washington Post: O’Malley Called For “An Assault Weapons Ban, Stricter Background Checks And Efforts To Prevent ‘Straw Purchases’ Of Guns, Such As Fingerprinting Requirements, Which Maryland Implemented.” “In the e-mail, O'Malley pointed to his record as governor, which included passage in 2013 of a wide-ranging gun-safety bill. On the national level, he is calling for an assault weapons ban, stricter background checks and efforts to prevent ‘straw purchases’ of guns, such as fingerprinting requirements, which Maryland implemented.” [Washington Post, 6/19/15] BERNIE SANDERS SAID THE ISSUE OF BAD ACTORS HAVING ACCESS TO GUNS NEEDED TO BE DEALT WITH BUT SAID HE WOULD SPEAK ON THE ISSUE AT LENGTH AT A LATER DATE

CNN: Bernie Sanders “Thinks ‘It Is Wrong’ When People Are ‘In Some Cases Suicidal And In Some Cases Homicidal’ Are ‘Still Being Able To Purchase Guns.’” “‘I think the people of Vermont understand that guns in Vermont are different than guns in Chicago or guns in Los Angeles,’ Sanders said, telling the assembled journalists that he thinks ‘it is wrong’ when people are ‘in some cases suicidal and in some cases homicidal’ are ‘still being able to purchase guns.’” [CNN, 6/19/15] Bernie Sanders: "I Will Talk About Guns At Some Length…But Not Right Now." [CNN, 6/19/15] Bernie Sanders: “There Are Weapons Out There That Have Nothing To Do With Hunting And Are Designed To Kill People And Kill Them Quickly…And This Is An Issue That Must Be Dealt With.” “As his campaign aides watched closely, Sanders also addressed guns during his remarks, again contrasting his background in Vermont with urban America. ‘There are weapons out there that have nothing to do with hunting and are designed to kill people and kill them quickly,’ Sanders said. ‘And this is an issue that must be dealt with.’” [CNN, 6/19/15] OTHER GUN CONTROL POSITIONS JIM WEBB OPPOSED GUN CONTROL EFFORTS AND VOTED TO ROLL BACK DC GUN RESTRICTIONS IN 2009… 2014: Jim Webb Opposed Gun Control. [Bloomberg, 9/7/14] 2009: Then-Senator Webb Voted To Repeal DC Gun Restrictions. [S.Amdt. 575, S.160, Vote 72, 111th Congress, 2/26/09] …WHILE BERNIE SANDERS OPPOSED REPEALING DC GUN LAWS 2009: Bernie Sanders Voted Against Repeal Of DC Gun Restrictions. [S.Amdt. 575, S.160, Vote 72, 2/26/09] BERNIE SANDERS SUPPORTED UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS IN 2013 AFTER OPPOSING THEM IN THE 1993 BRADY BILL 2013: Bernie Sanders Voted For Universal Background Checks. [S.Amdt. 715, S.649, Vote 97, 113th Congress, 4/17/13] 1993: Bernie Sanders Voted Against Universal Background Checks. [H.R. 1025, Vote 614, 103rd Congress, 11/22/93] AS GOVERNOR, LINCOLN CHAFEE SUPPORTED TAKING ANOTHER LOOK AT THE SOURCES USED IN BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR GUN PURCHASES IN HIS STATE 2013: Governor Chafee Supported Reviewing Sources Used In Background Checks In Rhode Island. [Associated Press, 5/15/13] SECRETARY CLINTON SUPPORTED AN ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN AND VOTED TO RENEW THE FEDERAL BAN AS A SENATOR 2014: Secretary Clinton Supported An Assault Weapons Ban. [Politico, 6/17/14] 2004: Then-Senator Clinton Voted For Renewal Of Federal Assault Weapons Ban. [S. Amdt. 2637, S. 1805, Vote 24, 108th Congress, 3/2/04] O’MALLEY SIGNED A STATE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN AS GOVERNOR

2014: Governor O’Malley Signed Assault Weapons Ban Law In Maryland. [NBC, 7/25/14] BERNIE SANDERS SUPPORTED A FEDERAL ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN IN 2013 2013: Bernie Sanders Voted For Assault Weapons Ban. [S.Amdt. 711, S. 649, Vote 101, 113th Congress 4/17/13] LINCOLN CHAFEE SUPPORTED A STATE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN AS RHODE ISLAND GOVERNOR AND A FEDERAL BAN WHILE SERVING IN THE SENATE 2013: Governor Chafee Supported Assault Weapon Ban In Rhode Island. [Associated Press, 5/15/13] 2004: Then-Senator Chafee Voted For Renewal Of Federal Assault Weapons Ban. [S. Amdt. 2637, S. 1805, Vote 24, 108th Congress, 3/2/04] CLINTON, SANDERS, AND CHAFEE SUPPORTED A HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINE BAN, WHILE O’MALLEY SIGNED ONE INTO LAW AS GOVERNOR 2014: Secretary Clinton Supported High Capacity Magazine Ban. [CNN, 6/17/14] 2014: Governor O’Malley Signed High Capacity Magazine Ban Law. [NBC, 7/25/14] 2013: Bernie Sanders Voted To Ban High Capacity Magazines. [S.Amdt. 714, S. 649, Vote 103, 113th Congress, 4/17/13] 2013: Governor Chafee Supported High Capacity Magazine Ban Law. [Associated Press, 5/15/13] CLINTON AND CHAFEE VOTED AGAINST A 2005 LAW THAT SHIELDED GUN MANUFACTURERS FROM CIVIL LIABILITY, WHILE SANDERS VOTED IN FAVOR OF THE LAW 2005: Then-Senator Clinton Voted Against Protection Of Lawful Commerce In Arms Act, Which Shields Gun Manufacturers From Liability Suits. [S. 397, Vote 534, 109th Congress, 10/20/05] 2005: Bernie Sanders Voted For Protection Of Lawful Commerce In Arms Act, Which Shields Gun Manufacturers From Liability Suits. [S. 397, Vote 534, 109th Congress, 10/20/05] 2005: Then-Senator Chafee Voted Against Protection Of Lawful Commerce In Arms Act, Which Shields Gun Manufacturers From Liability Suits. [S. 397, Vote 534, 109th Congress, 10/20/05] LINCOLN CHAFEE SUPPORTED CENTRALIZING THE ISSUING OF HANDGUN PERMITS IN RHODE ISLAND 2013: Governor Chafee Supported Placing Handgun Permitting In The Power Of The State Attorney General Instead Of Local Police In Rhode Island. [Associated Press, 5/15/13] O’MALLEY SIGNED A LAW MANDATING FINGERPRINTING FOR THOSE PURCHASING HAND GUNS 2014: Governor O’Malley Signed Fingerprinting For Handgun Purchase Law. [NBC, 7/25/14]