• Mosque: A Muslim place of worship • Muammar Gaddafi: Dictator of Libya • Muhammad: Arab prophet; founder of religion of Islam. • Mujahideen: guerrilla fighters in Islamic countries, especially those who are fighting against non-Muslim forces. • Mullah: a Muslim learned in Islamic theology and sacred law. • Muslim Brotherhood: wolrds largest Islamist movement with hundreds of millions of followers. founded in 1928 • neo-Nazism: A post world war II movement related to the white nationalist and white power skinhead movements, which see ks to revive elements of Naziideology such as racism, xenophobia, homophobia, holocaust denial and anti - Semitism • Osama Bin Laden: Arab terrorist who established al-Quada • Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO): a group formed in the 1960s to regain the Arab land in Israel for Palestinian Arabs • Patriot Act (2001): Law responding to 9/11. Expands anti -terrorist powers (wiretapping, surveillance); 4th Amendment concern for civil liberties. • Saddam Hussein: Iraqi leader who waged war against Iran • Sharia Law: Islamic legal system, based upon the Qur'an and subsequently modified and interpreted by Islamic judges • Shia Islam: 10% of Arabs follow this sect of Islam. Shiites believe that only Allah. the god of Islam faith, can select religious leaders, and that therefore, all successors must be direct descendants of Muhammad's family. • Sunni Islam: 90% of Arabs follow this sect of islam the Sunnis believe that Muhammad had no rightful heir and that a religious leader should be elected through a vote among the Islamic community's people • Taliban: a fundamentalist Islamic militia in Afghanistan. • Terrorism: deliberate use of random violence, especially against civilians, to achieve political goals • Theocracy: A government controlled by religious leaders • white supremacy: the belief that whites are biologically different and superior to people of other races • WMD: weapons of mass destruction • Yasser Arafat: Arab leader of the PLO 105