National Response Plan (NRP): The National Response Plan Homeland Security Advisory System(HSAS): The (December 2004) is an alldiscipline, all hazards plan that advisory system provides measures to remain establishes a single, comprehensive framework for the vigilant, management of domestic incidents. It provides the structure prepared, and ready to deter terroristattacks. The and mechanisms for the coordination of Federal support to following Threat Condition search represent an State, local, and tribal incident managers and for exercising increasing direct Federal authorities adresponsibilities. risk of terrorist attacks. Beneath each Threat NTA: Anti-Imperialist Territorial Nuclei based in Italy Condition are suggested protectivemeasures, nuclear weapon: — A complete assembly (i.e., recognizing that implosiontype, gun type, or thermonuclear type), in its the heads of Federal departments and agencies intended ultimate configuration which, upon completion of are responsible for developing and implementing the prescribed arming, fusing, and firingsequence, is capable appropriate agency-specific protective measures: of producing the intended nuclear reaction and release of energy. • Low Condition (Green). This condition is OPCON: Operational control, that is, transferable command declared when there is a low risk of terrorist authority. (OPSEC) A process of identifying critical attacks. information and subsequently analyzing friendly Federal departments and agencies should consider actions attendant to military operations and other the following general measures in addition to the activities to: a.Identify those actions that can be observed by agency-specific Protective Measures they develop adversary intelligence systems. b.Determine indicators and implement: refining and exercising as hostile intelligence systems might obtain that could be appropriate preplanned Protective Measures; interpreted or pieced together to derive critical information ensuring personnel receive proper training on the in time to be useful to adversaries. c.Select and execute Homel and Security Advisory System and specific measures that eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level preplanned department or agency Protective the Measures vulnerabilities of friendly actions to • Guarded Condition (Blue). This condition is adversaryexploitation.Also called OPSEC. declared when there is a general risk of terrorist TerrorismThe use of violence by non state groups or, in attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threat Condition, Federal some cases, toinspirefear by attacking civilians orsymbolic departments and agencies should consider the targets transnational terrorist networks Terrorists use of following general measures in addition to the agency-specific Protective Measures that they will existing local or transnational economic,transportation, and develop and implement: checking communications systems tomanage and maintain terrorist communications with designated emergency organizations around the world.skyjackingThe takeover of a response or command locations commercial airplane for the purpose of taking hostages and • Elevated Condition (Yellow). An Elevated using them to bargain for aparticular political or economic Condition is declared when there is a significant goal risk 3reasons for Radical Islamic terrorism culture, economics, of terrorist attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures taken in the previous Threat Conditions, Federal departments and agencies should religion postmodern or new terrorists consider the following general measures in Groups and individuals subscribing to the millenial and addition to the Protective Measures that they will apocalyptic ideologies and system-level goals. Value destruction develop and implement: increasing surveillance of for its ownsake, usually tied to a territory. critical locations; coordinating emergency plans as appropriate with nearby jurisdictions clandestine or sleeper cell • High Condition (Orange). A High Condition is Group of people sent by an intelligence organization or terrorist declared when there is a high risk of terrorist network that remains dormant in a targetcountry until activated attacks. In addition to the Protective Measures by a message to carry out a mission. taken in the previous Threat Conditions, Federal departments and agencies should consider the 4types of terrorist groups following general measures in addition to the Right wing; Left wing, Religious; ethnonationalist agency-specific Protective Measures that they will develop and implement 5ways that Globalization/Technology improved terrorism. • Severe Condition (Red). A Severe Condition Proselytizing; Coordination; Security; Mobility; reflects a severe risk of terrorist attacks. Under most circumstances, the Protective Measures for a Severe Condition are not intended to be sustained for substantial periods of time. 107

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