Case 6. International Terrorism. Profile of Instructions a Terrorist The topic of terrorism is both complex and emotive. It is complex because it combines so many different aspects of human experience, including subjects such as politics, psychology, philosophy, military strategy, and history, to name a few. Terrorism is also emotive both because experiences of terrorist acts arouse tremendous feelings, and because those who see terrorists as justified often have strong feelings concerning the rightness of the use of violence. A key challenge of understanding terrorism is both acknowledging the moral outrage at terrorist acts, while at the same time trying to understand the rationale behind terrorism. The profile of a terrorist. 1. examinethe profile from the psychological perspective, and then answer the question “what insight or understanding does the psychological perspective give us about this terrorist?” 2. examine the ideological perspective, and answer the question “what insight or understanding does the ideological perspective give us about this terrorist?” 3. examine the strategic perspective, and answer the question “what insight or understanding does the strategic perspective give us about this terrorist?” Secret documents provide portrait of (CNN) Osama bin Laden Video world/2015/05/20/nr-peter-bergen-new- osama-bin-laden-documents- released.cnn/video/playlists/osama-bin- laden/ 95

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