39. Honey Yeast Bread, rolls, dozen, not iced, recipe attached $4 $2 $1 40. Honey Grain Cereal (Granola), 1 quart, in glass or plastic container, recipe attached and sample included....... $4 $2 $1 BEST OF SHOW - Classes 28-40 ..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE 41. Hand Cream, 3 uniform 2 oz. clear containers (percentage of Wax, Honey, Propolis, Pollen must be attached). ................ $5 $3 $2 42. Lip Balm 3 uniform clear lip balm tubes (percentage of Wax, Honey, Propolis, Pollen must be attached) ................. $5 $3 $2 43. Soap, Handmade Lye Based 3 uniform bars (percentage of Wax, Honey, Propolis, Pollen must be attached) ................. $5 $3 $2 44. Honey Gift Packages ........................................................... $8 $6 $5 This display shall consist of a box or suitable container containing packaged honey and beeswax. It may also contain related products. Entire entry gross weight not to exceed 10 pounds or weigh less than 3 pounds. It must be unwrapped. It will be judged on attractiveness of package and quality of contents. Apiary labels are permitted. 45. Honey Pot, one of any design or size .................................. $4 $2 $1 BEST OF SHOW - Classes 41-45 ..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE Items in Classes 22-27 must be 100% beeswax. Candles must have wicks and be functional. Color may be added to items in Classes 23-27, but fragrances may not be used. Painting of candles or figurines is permitted. Candles may be displayed on or in candleholders, but the holders will not add or subtract points. Candleholders will be covered or removed during judging. ENTRY BOOK 41 - BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION 1. 100 pounds Honey to be shown in glass - $100 PREMIUM & CHAMPION ROSETTE. 25 pounds total; Cut Comb Honey, Chunk Honey, and Beeswax. ENTRY BOOK 42 - EDUCATIONAL BOOTH DISPLAY $30 $20 $15 BEST OF SHOW ......................................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE ENTRY BOOK 43 - BEE PHOTOGRAPHY BEST OF SHOW ......................................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE RULES: 8 1. Read all rules carefully. Any entry that is received that does not meet sizes NT and mounting requirements, even though shown, will not be allowed in the competitive judging. E 2. All entries should be current photographs by the entrant and not previously M entered at the Lorain County Fair. NOTE: Only one photo per class. T R 3. Exhibitor must place each photo (maximum size 8” x 10”) in a matte plastic A sheet protector or photo protector, 8 1/2” x 11” in size, UNMATTED P PICTURE ONLY. 4. Exhibitor tag must hang in the BOTTOM RIGHTHAND CORNER of protector DE attached by clear tape to the protector. 5. No photocopies, reproductions, or Photoshop-altered images will be accepted. 6. Entries determined not to be in good taste, according to the Superintendent and Committee in charge, will not be shown. 7. By submitting an entry, the entrant grants permission to the Lorain County Beekeepers Association to use the entry and entrant’s name and/or likeness for marketing and promotional purposes, including exhibitions, print, and digital media, with no compensation due to the entrant. NOTE: Ribbons are awarded at the discretion of the judge. PREMIUMS: 1st = $ 3.00 2nd = $ 2.00 3rd = $1.00 Lorain County Beekeepers Association will provide an ADDITIONAL PREMIUM for each place: 1st = $15.00 2nd = $10.00 3rd = $5.00 There will be three place winners for each class. 95