BEE PHOTOGRAPHY DESCRIPTIONS The class descriptions apply to all classes in Entry Book 43 - Bee Photography. HONEYBEE PORTRAIT: Close-up view of honeybee(s). HIVE: Photograph that depicts life inside or outside of the hive. BEEKEEPING: Photograph depicting beekeeper(s) at work. HONEY PRODUCTS: Photograph of any subject matter related to products from the hive. MISCELLANEOUS: Photograph that is honeybee related but does not fit any of the above classes. All photographs maximum size 8” x 10”. The entry must be placed in a matte plastic sheet protector (see rule #3). Only one entry allowed for each class. COLOR, BLACK & WHITE, AND DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS: 1. Honeybee Portrait 2. Hive 3. Beekeeping 4. Honey Products 5. Miscellaneous BEST OF SHOW ....................................................................................... ROSETTE The management of the Department will exercise due care and supervision of exhibits. The committee will not be responsible for unclaimed articles 8 after the close of the fair. The Superintendent in charge will make the final decision for exhibiting. NT E M T R A P DE 96