OPEN ENTRY CLASSES: 1. Bees with Queen, strain of bees must be identified (Observation Hive) ............................................................... $8 $5 $3 2. Extracted Honey, Water White (Pfund scale 1 to 8) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 3. Extracted Honey, Extra White (Pfund scale greater than 8 up to 17) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 4. Extracted Honey, White (Pfund scale greater than 17 up to 34) 3 1 lb. uniform GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids. ...... $5 $3 $2 5. Extracted Honey, Extra Light Amber (Pfund scale greater than 34 up to 48) 3 1 lb. uniform GLASS HONEY JARS, uniform lids ............. $5 $3 $2 6. Extracted Honey, Light Amber (Pfund scale greater than 48 up to 83) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 7. Extracted Honey, Amber (Pfund scale greater than 83 up to 114) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 8. Extracted Honey, Dark Amber (Pfund scale greater than 114) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids .................... $5 $3 $2 9. Herbal Honey infused, any edible herb (not an oil or flavoring) with herb included in 3 uniform ROUND 8 OUNCE GLASS . $5 $3 $2 10. Herbal Honey infused, any edible herb, using flavoring or oil in 3 uniform ROUND 8 OUNCE GLASS .............................. $5 $3 $2 11. Raw Honey - no filtering, wood and bee parts not acceptable, Pfund scale 1-114, 3-1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids ........................................................................... $5 $3 $2 12. Creamed Honey 3 12 oz. uniform ROUND WIDE-MOUTH GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids............................... $5 $3 $2 13. Flavored Creamed Honey 3 12 oz. uniform ROUND WIDE-MOUTH GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids ...... $5 $3 $2 14. Chunk Honey 3 1 lb. uniform ROUND WIDE-MOUTH GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids............................... $5 $3 $2 15. Pollen (dried) 3 1 lb. GLASS HONEY JARS with uniform lids ........................................................................... $5 $3 $2 16. Cut Comb Honey (in plastic containers) 4 containers .......... $5 $3 $2 17. Section Comb Honey (in wooden squares) 4 containers ..... $5 $3 $2 18. Section Comb Honey (Ross rounds) 4 sections ................... $5 $3 $2 19. Extracting Frames, 2 deep, must be on self-supporting stands .................................................................................. $5 $3 $2 20. Extracting Frames, 2 medium, must be on self-supporting stands.. ................................................................................ $5 $3 $2 8 21. Extracting Frames, 2 shallow, must be on self-supporting stands .................................................................................. $5 $3 $2 NT BEST OF SHOW - Classes 1-21 ..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE E 22. Beeswax, minimum of 1 lb. piece ......................................... $5 $3 $2 M 23. Molded beeswax figurine(s), not candle(s); T 3 pieces not to be identical ................................................... $5 $3 $2 R A 24. Beeswax figurine(s) not from a mold and not a candle ........ $5 $3 $2 P 25. Candles, molded; two pairs (4 identical pieces); weight of exhibit not to exceed 10 lbs .................................................. $4 $2 $1 DE 26. Candles, dipped; two pairs (4 identical pieces); weight of exhibit not to exceed 10 lbs .................................................. $4 $2 $1 27. Candle(s) other than molded or dipped, 3 pieces; need not to be identical; maximum weight of exhibit 3 lbs ... $4 $2 $1 BEST OF SHOW - Classes 22-27..................................... CHAMPION ROSETTE 28. Honey Candy, 1/4 pound with pound recipe attached .......... $4 $2 $1 29. Honey Cookies, dozen recipe attached................................ $4 $2 $1 30. Honey Cake unfrosted, light or dark, recipe attached.. ........ $4 $2 $1 31. Honey Pie, minimum of 8 inches, recipe attached ............... $4 $2 $1 32. Jam or Jelly Canned with Honey, 1/2 pint, recipe and sample included ................................................................... $4 $2 $1 33. Fruit/Vegetables/Pickles Canned with Honey, pints or quarts; one jar recipe attached......................................................... $4 $2 $1 34. Honey Barbeque Sauce, 1/2 pint clear jar, recipe and sample included ................................................................... $4 $2 $1 35. Honey Mustard Sauce, 1/2 pint clear jar, recipe and sample included ................................................................... $4 $2 $1 36. Honey Quick Bread, not iced, recipe attached ..................... $4 $2 $1 37. Honey Yeast Bread, white, not iced, recipe attached ........... $4 $2 $1 38. Honey Yeast Bread, wheat, not iced, recipe attached.......... $4 $2 $1 94