BEES ENTRY BOOK 40 - APIARY RULES: 1. Only one entry will be permitted to any exhibitor for any one premium and no two exhibits in the same class shall be made by the same person or any member of the family from the same apiaries, or apiary, and must be harvested since last fair. Entrants must produce all entries in Classes 1-25 from their own apiaries. 2. Honey to be judged on quality, cleanliness, volume, taste, uniformity, moisture content, and color class. Entrants must produce all entries in Classes 1-25 from their own apiaries. 3. Bees and Queens to be judged for evenness in color and form, general appearance, and educational value to the public. 4. Observation Hives must have either a single or double pane with a PLEXIGLASS shield on the outside. 5. Extracting frames must be displayed with a clear bee-proof covering. Frames must be removable. No black foundation permitted. 6. Sweetening used in baked goods, canned fruit/vegetables/pickles must contain honey. 7. All baked goods from open entries will be sold with a small portion left for display. Proceeds will benefit LCBA. 8. There are 3 educational booths, which will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis, by contacting Shelia St. Clair at (440) 647-2602 prior to fair entry deadline. All booths must be installed by 4:00 pm Sunday. Educational booth displays will be judged for (1) educational value, (2) originality of design, (3) overall attractiveness. Size of booth to be determined by fair booth committee. All individual booths will be same size. No contents shall be removed until Sunday at 6:00 pm. 8 9. No labels permitted on open entries 1-43, excluding entry 42. 10. All lids should be uniform. Extracted honey must be displayed in NT E 1 lb. uniform classic glass honey jars. Creamed honey and chunk M honey must be displayed in uniform, round, straight-sided, wide- T mouth 1 lb. glass honey jars. R A 11. Soap, lip balm, and hand cream will be judged on percent of P volume and variety of bee-related products used (Honey, Wax, Pollen, Propolis) and fragrance or flavor. DE 12. Herb in Herbal Honey must be identified in writing on back of entry ticket, only one entry per exhibition in this class. 13. Exhibits must be in place Sunday at 5:00 pm unless prior arrangements have been approved. 14. Judging will be done on Monday at 9:00 am. 15. Judges’ decision will be final on all entries. 16. Flavored honey and creamed honey must have flavor identified in writing on back of entry ticket. 17. Honey entries shall be from fair year to fair year only. 93