Portfolio 2024
Selected Portfolio Kevin Chihong Wong Year 2024 Projects 9
i I am curious. I am curious in learning the unique stories behind each design. Growing up in Macau, I had always been curious about how the eastern and western cultures entangled in this little city. There are endless stories like how a little Buddhist temple ended up getting built beside a mas- sive Catholic church; or how the traditional black and cream Portuguese cobble stone side walk lead up to a ultra-modern casino complex. While capturing past, new chapters are added to these stories everyday as the city evolves. The narratives de昀椀nitely changed when I moved to Ed- monton at age of 17. The unmistakably Brutalist archi- tectures from the 60s and the few remaining Art Deco buildings documented the boom and bust cycle of this oil city. As cold as Edmonton winters are, this seemingly inhabitable city has provided me the neutering space and time to grow as a designer. I believe designs are the re昀氀ections of the stories be- hind them. I hope this selection of projects provides a glimpse into my stories, and my journey to understand the world better through the lens of design.
ii NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY Missing & Murder Indigenous People Woven Table Community Dashboard Art Installation Academic Project Data Analytics & Representation LWL -3.0m LWL -3.0m Pg. 03 Pg. 11 Pg. 21 NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY MWL 0.0m LWL -3.0m CROWN LAND MWL 0.0m NATURAL NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY ) FORSHORE LWL -3.0m OUT OF SCOPE ( HWM 2.0m HWM 2.0m Between the Planes Community Chain-link Fence Mural Folding Paper & Flipping Pages MWL 0.0m NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK Academic Project Art Installation Academic Project HWM 2.0m NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK New Perspective SWALE PLANTING EL 3.5 EL 3.7 EL 3.6 Grass Garden BOTTOM OF SWALE Pg. 23 Pg. 31 OVERFLOW DRAIN Pg. 40 EL 3.55 1 EL 3.5 WEIR WALL ROCK EDGE TO SLOW DOWN WATER FLOW MWL 0.0m HWM 2.0m L114 PUMP HOUSE NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK LP 3% EL 3.55 3% NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK HP 3% 3% 1 HP 3% EL 3.5 L112 EL 3.5 LP EL 2.25 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% HP 3% EL 4.3 3% HWM 2.0m HP LP 3% 3% HP HP BW 1.86 3% 3% 3% HP HP 3% HP 3% EL 3.5 LP 3% TOP PLAY MULCH HP LP 3% 3% HP EL 5 2 ACTIVATOR SPRAY NOZZLE L113 SLOT DRAIN 1 ARCH 577B Rode House CONCRETE PAD WITH NON-SLIP FINISH by Pezo von L113 EL 5 EL 5.24 Ellrichshausen GABION BENCH EL 4.65 EL 5 SAND PIT 0001 Chonchi, Chile Waterfront scale: 1 : 10 drawn by:K.Wong Landing Park Wood Fram Explode Revit-Rode House Shifting Perspective Other Works Forced Perspective Dark Hedge A0.03 Academic Project Academic Project Various Project EL 5.01 EL 5.5 Squamish, BC NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK Pg. 45 Processing Pg. 51 Pg. 63 Sunset Hill scale: 1 : 200 drawn by:KW & EB EL 3.5 Splashpad Plan L111 EL 4.32 PROPOSED HWM 2.0m HWM 2.0m EL 4.8 EL 4.3 EL 4.8 WoodFrame 1 SS SSSS ESES RR DD DREDRE DD ADAD A A TT TT ee ECEC TitlTitl JJ PROJECPROJEC PROPRO ProjectProject Architect Architect LandscapeLandscape ONON II ConsultantConsultant rr TETE ByBy EE DESCRIPTDESCRIPT DATEDATE00 SS REV.REV. ManageManage tt DD II T UT U le t ct ct tletle ISSUE NOISSUE NO DATEDATE NO.NO. Drawn ByDrawn By ProjecProjec .. Reviewed Reviewed EL 5.25 DateDate 2019-05-12019-05-1 DO NODO NO ProjeProje Sheet TitleSheet Ti Sheet TiSheet Ti Sheet NoSheet No L0.04L0.04 EL 5 F.H. B.C.H. & P.A. R/W 9 REF. PLAN 7520 16 9 17 8 16 18 9 71 7 17 8 6 18 7 19 5 BLOCK "H" 6 20 D. L. 9 1 2 70 5 21 BLOCK E PLAN 4627 4 22 3
P.3 Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Art Installation Art Installation An art installation dedicated to the families and their missing loved ones, Edmonton In response to the disproportionately high rates of missing and murdered Indigenous women in Canada, I initiated a communi- ty-level art installation at a local underutilized skating rink. Ex- panding its focus to include Indigenous men, boys, and two-spir- ited individuals, the installation comprised concentric circles of red fabric, a red ribbon dress, a ribbon shirt, and a rainbow sash, symbolizing the tragedy. A tipi offered space for ceremonies and storytelling. Projected images and audio stories of missing individ- uals created an immersive experience. This installation served as a re昀氀ective space for attendees and a memorial for families, keep- ing the stories of their loved ones alive.
MIssIng & MuRDeReD InDIgenous PeoPle ARt InstAllAtIon | P.4
MIssIng & MuRDeReD InDIgenous PeoPle ARt InstAllAtIon | P.6
MIssIng & MuRDeReD InDIgenous PeoPle ARt InstAllAtIon | P.8 Projection Mapping Process
MIssIng & MuRDeReD InDIgenous PeoPle ARt InstAllAtIon | P.10
P.11 Woven Table Academic Project Reimagine Columbia Park: informed by history, inspired by community. Instructor: Daniel Roehr, Maren McBride Teammate: Kylie Ip, Laura Liu Our team analyzed the park’s history and surroundings, including schools, senior homes, malls, and other parks. We also reviewed the City of Vancouver’s planning documents for insights on popu- lation distribution and future development trends. This research helped us understand the demographic and environmental fac- tors affecting the park, ensuring our development plans are inclu- sive, informed, and aligned with the city’s urban strategies. This approach aims to cater effectively to the diverse needs of the community. Woven Table Park will be an innovative space where community impact has power to radically change the parkscape at any point in time. It will be a place of dynamic vision and 昀氀exible connection, addressing ecology in an increasingly dense and urban neigh- bourhood.
WoVen tAble | P.12 Illustrative Plan
P.13 Marpole, originally a Musqueam village named cəsnaʔəm is located on the southern edge of Oakridge. 5AD A view of Vancouver from the air in 1948, with Kerris- Looking north across the vacant land that dale, Marpole, Oakridge and Sunset in the foreground. would become the Oakridge Centre shopping Note the open land in Oakridge. mall and the Oakridge residential area. 1948 Camie Street. looking south from 41st Ave Jewish Independent arti- 1952 cle announcing con- struction plans of Oakridge shopping centre. 1955 Oakridge Centre, the rst shop- ping centre built in Vancouver, was built in 1959 and is set to un- dergo major redevelopment. bungalow homes constructed in 1959 the 1950s and 1960s. 1950-60 The newly constructed Jewish Community Centre. 1962 After WWII, the city's Jewish communi- ty moved from Strathcona and began to settle along Oak Street. 1964 the unusual Unity Church at 5840 Oak and the Unitarian Church at 49th Avenue, both built in 1964. The completed Peretz School A massive redevelopment of 1974 Oakridge Centre, which began in 2019. 2019 Alberta St. blue green system and Columbia Park renewal. CUrrent King david high school Queen Elizabeth Park Oakridge senior center 15 Mins Walk Oakridge center 10 Mins Walk Annie B. Jamiseson Tisdall Elementary School Park Vancouver 5 Mins Walk Public Library Sir William Van Horne Elementary School cambie Park Langara golf course langara college Punjabi Market macdonald Park Sunset community center N historical and contextual analysis
P.15 Current Transportation network T The community has identified several key features for the future Complete Street design, including wider sidewalks, plazas and gathering spaces, retention of mature trees and boulevards, and more green space. Particular attention will be paid to the experience of people using sustainable modes—providing safe, conve- nient, and comfortable facilities and routes Reduce existing traffic for people walking, cycling, and taking Future Transportation network & encourage walking ! transit. ? Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf Create welcoming and defined arrivals? Potential interface with new network design ? Bike path Desired pedestrian path Road & Main Circulation create interesting views ! for residents in future ? High-rises while addressing shadows and blocked mountain view Areas off the arterials identified for high-density residential will deliver a range of affordable housing options and create a diversity of building forms. These Oak Meadows urban areas will integrate improved streetscapes to the Park connect the neighbourhood to adjacent parks, shops, W 37th Ave. and services within the Oakridge Municipal Town Center. Interact with Active Commercial at grade? Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf The scope of work includes doubling Consider architecture the size of the mall to 1.4M square ! form and design for feet, adding over 2,900 residential ? units in 13 towers (market and afford- increased population able housing), the addition of 300,000 square feet of commercial office space, an 70,000 civic centre. Source: https://www.ellisdon.com/proj- ects/oakridge-redevelopment-phase-1 celebrate newcomer diversity ? A number of census variables help under- stand the diverse and complex cultural identities of people in Vancouver. The graphs below provide the top ten cultural origins reported by residents in Oakridge, a majority of residents report Chinese ances- try. Source:2020 Oakridge Social Indicators Profile - City of Vancouver Blue green systems are networks of connected park-like streets that manage water and land in a way that is inspired by nature and designed to replicate natural functions and provide ecosystem services. These systems seek to protect the ecological, hydro- logical, and social values of the urban landscape and water cycle, and to provide resilient measures to address climate change and flood management, increase connectivity, and enhance access to nature. Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-develop- ment/blue-green-systems.aspx The Cambie Corridor is growing, and so are the demands on its drainage and sewer systems, parks, streets, and public spaces. To provide critical drainage services, park spaces, and transporta- tion options for the neighbourhood, the Alberta Street Blue Green System and Columbia Park Renewal Project will explore innovative ! ways to make changes to Columbia Park, Alberta Street, and 43rd Address Low ? Avenue to meet our project principles. biodiversity planting Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/alber- ta-st-blue-green-system-and-columbia-park-renewal.aspxment-phase-1 Resolve current site Integrate with Drainage issue with! ? creative storm water ? Alberta street management system blue green network PERMEABLE SURFACE SEMI-PERMEABLE SURFACE Landing space for? Migratory birds Address playground ! drainage issue & update ? access water! play strategy play strategy ? ! Evaluate needs to ? update aging amenities Update and increase seatings ! ? N B A B A opportunities and constraints analysis
WoVen tAble | P.16 Current Transportation network Current Transportation network 1 Current Transportation network TT The community has identified several key features for the future Complete Street design, including wider sidewalks, The community has identified several key plazas and gathering spaces, retention of features for the future Complete Street mature trees and boulevards, and more design, including wider sidewalks, green space. Particular attention will be plazas and gathering spaces, retention of paid to the experience of people using T mature trees and boulevards, and more sustainable modes—providing safe, conve- green space. Particular attention will be nient, and comfortable facilities and routes paid to the experience of people using for people walking, cycling, and taking Reduce existing traffic sustainable modes—providing safe, conve- The community has identified several key transit. nient, and comfortable facilities and routes Future Transportation network & encourage walking ! features for the future Complete Street ? for people walking, cycling, and taking Reduce existing traffic design, including wider sidewalks, Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- transit. & encourage walking plazas and gathering spaces, retention of Future Transportation network ! cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf ? mature trees and boulevards, and more Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- green space. Particular attention will be cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf Create welcoming paid to the experience of people using and defined arrivals sustainable modes—providing safe, conve- ? nient, and comfortable facilities and routes Create welcoming for people walking, cycling, and taking Reduce existing traffic and defined arrivals? transit. Future Transportation network & encourage walking ! ? Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf Potential interface with new network design ? Potential interface with Create welcoming new network design ? and defined arrivals? Potential interface with new network design ? Bike path Desired pedestrian path Bike path Road & Main Circulation Desired pedestrian path Road & Main Circulation Bike path Desired pedestrian path Road & Main Circulation 2 create interesting views ! for residents in future ? High-rises while addressing create interesting views shadows and blocked for residents in future ! ? mountain view High-rises while addressing shadows and blocked mountain view create interesting views ! Areas off the arterials identified for for residents in future ? high-density residential will deliver a range High-rises while addressing of affordable housing options and create a shadows and blocked Areas off the arterials identified for diversity of building forms. These Oak mountain view high-density residential will deliver a range Meadows urban areas will integrate of affordable housing options and create a improved streetscapes to the Park connect diversity of building forms. These Oak the neighbourhood to adjacent parks, Meadows urban areas will integrate shops, W 37th Ave. and services within the improved streetscapes to the Park connect Oakridge Municipal Town Center. the neighbourhood to adjacent parks, Interact with Active shops, W 37th Ave. and services within the Areas off the arterials identified for Commercial at grade Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- Oakridge Municipal Town Center. ? high-density residential will deliver a range Interact with Active cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf of affordable housing options and create a Commercial at grade Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- ? diversity of building forms. These Oak cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf The scope of work includes doubling Meadows urban areas will integrate the size of the mall to 1.4M square Consider architecture improved streetscapes to the Park connect ! form and design for the neighbourhood to adjacent parks, feet, adding over 2,900 residential ? The scope of work includes doubling increased population shops, W 37th Ave. and services within the units in 13 towers (market and afford- Consider architecture the size of the mall to 1.4M square form and design for Oakridge Municipal Town Center. able housing), the addition of 300,000 ! feet, adding over 2,900 residential ? Interact with Active square feet of commercial office increased population units in 13 towers (market and afford- Commercial at grade Source:https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/poli- space, an 70,000 civic centre. ? able housing), the addition of 300,000 cy-plan-cambie-corridor.pdf square feet of commercial office Source: https://www.ellisdon.com/proj- space, an 70,000 civic centre. ects/oakridge-redevelopment-phase-1 The scope of work includes doubling Consider architecture Source: https://www.ellisdon.com/proj- the size of the mall to 1.4M square form and design for ects/oakridge-redevelopment-phase-1 ! feet, adding over 2,900 residential ? units in 13 towers (market and afford- increased population able housing), the addition of 300,000 square feet of commercial office space, an 70,000 civic centre. celebrate newcomer diversity ? Source: https://www.ellisdon.com/proj- celebrate newcomer ects/oakridge-redevelopment-phase-1 diversity ? A number of census variables help under- stand the diverse and complex cultural identities of people in Vancouver. The A number of census variables help under- graphs below provide the top ten cultural stand the diverse and complex cultural origins reported by residents in Oakridge, a identities of people in Vancouver. The majority of residents report Chinese ances- graphs below provide the top ten cultural celebrate newcomer try. origins reported by residents in Oakridge, a diversity ? majority of residents report Chinese ances- try. Source:2020 Oakridge Social Indicators Profile - City of Vancouver A number of census variables help under- Source:2020 Oakridge Social Indicators Profile - City stand the diverse and complex cultural of Vancouver identities of people in Vancouver. The graphs below provide the top ten cultural origins reported by residents in Oakridge, a majority of residents report Chinese ances- try. Source:2020 Oakridge Social Indicators Profile - City of Vancouver 3 Blue green systems are networks of connected park-like streets that manage water and land in a way that is inspired by nature and designed to replicate Blue green systems are networks of connected natural functions and provide ecosystem services. park-like streets that manage water and land in a way that is inspired by nature and designed to replicate These systems seek to protect the ecological, hydro- natural functions and provide ecosystem services. logical, and social values of the urban landscape and water cycle, and to provide resilient measures to These systems seek to protect the ecological, hydro- address climate change and flood management, logical, and social values of the urban landscape and increase connectivity, and enhance access to nature. water cycle, and to provide resilient measures to Blue green systems are networks of connected address climate change and flood management, park-like streets that manage water and land in a way Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-develop- increase connectivity, and enhance access to nature. that is inspired by nature and designed to replicate ment/blue-green-systems.aspx natural functions and provide ecosystem services. Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-develop- ment/blue-green-systems.aspx These systems seek to protect the ecological, hydro- logical, and social values of the urban landscape and water cycle, and to provide resilient measures to address climate change and flood management, increase connectivity, and enhance access to nature. Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-develop- ment/blue-green-systems.aspx The Cambie Corridor is growing, and so are the demands on its drainage and sewer systems, parks, streets, and public spaces. The Cambie Corridor is growing, and so are the demands on its To provide critical drainage services, park spaces, and transporta- drainage and sewer systems, parks, streets, and public spaces. tion options for the neighbourhood, the Alberta Street Blue Green System and Columbia Park Renewal Project will explore innovative To provide critical drainage services, park spaces, and transporta- ways to make changes to Columbia Park, Alberta Street, and 43rd Address Low ! tion options for the neighbourhood, the Alberta Street Blue Green ? Avenue to meet our project principles. biodiversity planting System and Columbia Park Renewal Project will explore innovative ways to make changes to Columbia Park, Alberta Street, and 43rd Address Low ! Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/alber- ? Avenue to meet our project principles. The Cambie Corridor is growing, and so are the demands on its biodiversity planting ta-st-blue-green-system-and-columbia-park-renewal.aspxment-phase-1 drainage and sewer systems, parks, streets, and public spaces. Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/alber- ta-st-blue-green-system-and-columbia-park-renewal.aspxment-phase-1 Resolve current site To provide critical drainage services, park spaces, and transporta- Drainage issue with! tion options for the neighbourhood, the Alberta Street Blue Green Integrate with creative storm water ? System and Columbia Park Renewal Project will explore innovative Alberta street ? Resolve current site ways to make changes to Columbia Park, Alberta Street, and 43rd management system Drainage issue with Address Low ! blue green network ! ? Avenue to meet our project principles. Integrate with creative storm water ? Alberta street ? biodiversity planting blue green network management system Source: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/alber- ta-st-blue-green-system-and-columbia-park-renewal.aspxment-phase-1 Resolve current site Integrate with Drainage issue with! ? creative storm water ? Alberta street management system blue green network PERMEABLE SURFACE PERMEABLE SURFACE SEMI-PERMEABLE SURFACE SEMI-PERMEABLE SURFACE PERMEABLE SURFACE Landing space for? Migratory birds SEMI-PERMEABLE SURFACE Landing space for? Migratory birds Landing space for? 1. transportation mode analysis Migratory birds Address playground ! drainage issue & update ? play strategy 2. housing & population analysis access water Address playground ! ! drainage issue & update ? play strategy ? access water! play strategy ! play strategy ? Evaluate needs to ? 3. storm-water & grading analysis update aging amenities ! Evaluate needs to ? update aging amenities Address playground Update and increase ! drainage issue & update ? seatings ! ? access water play strategy Update and increase ! play strategy ? ! seatings ? ! Evaluate needs to ? update aging amenities Update and increase seatings ! ? N N N BB B AA A BB B AA A
P.17 Urban agriculture Greenhouse Work/private area Play area Mobile park/plaza Drainage Strategy long table Urban agriculture Greenhouse Work/private area Play area plaza Drainage Strategy long table Urban agriculture Greenhouse Work/private area Play area Mobile park/plaza Drainage Strategy long table Urban agriculrture Green house Work/private area Play area Mobile park/plaza Drainage Strategy long table option sketches and zone setting diagrams
WoVen tAble | P.18 O p t i ons e v aluat i o n P u s h t h o f e b o u n d i n n o v a ary t i o n s C o m m u n d e c i s i t y - b a s i o n m a k e d i n g c o n n e c t H u m a n e d n e s s c o n t e R e s p o n s xt and e t o p l a c e e c o l o S u s t a i n g i c a l c ability o n e c t i v & i t y modular mix p uzzle elevated platform F abric G reen House Underground s p heres DDEESSIIGGNN IIDDEEAASS GGrreeeennhhoouussee EElleevvaatteedd PPllaattffoorrmm FFaabbrriicc MMoodduullaarr PPiieecceess SSpphheerreess UUnnddeerrggrroouunndd PPuuzzzzllee CCoommppoonneenntt CCrriitteerriiaa WWeeiigghhtteedd WWeeiigghhtteedd WWeeiigghhtteedd WWeeiigghhtteedd WWeeiigghhtteedd WWeeiigghhtteedd WWeeiigghhtteedd CCoommppoonneenntt CCrriitteerriiaa WWeeiigghhttiinngg WWeeiigghhttiinngg SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree SSccoorree PPuusshh tthhee bboouunnddaarriieess ooff Re-think traditional park space 99%% 3.83 0.07 3.17 0.05 3.17 0.05 5.00 0.09 4.33 0.07 3.00 0.05 4.33 0.07 iinnnnoovvaattiioonn Make a statement 2266%% 88%% 2.50 0.04 3.83 0.06 3.50 0.05 5.00 0.08 3.00 0.05 3.00 0.05 3.67 0.06 Look towards the future 1100%% 3.67 0.07 4.00 0.08 1.67 0.03 4.50 0.09 2.17 0.04 1.33 0.03 2.00 0.04 HHuummaann ccoonnnneecctteeddnneessss Everyone feels connected to the area 1199%% 99%% 3.33 0.06 2.17 0.04 4.00 0.07 3.83 0.07 3.50 0.06 2.00 0.04 2.50 0.05 Equity, safety, accessibility 1100%% 2.33 0.05 2.00 0.04 2.67 0.05 4.17 0.09 1.83 0.04 1.67 0.03 2.33 0.05 Consider the increase in population 55%% 1.67 0.02 4.00 0.04 2.33 0.02 4.17 0.04 1.33 0.01 2.50 0.03 3.00 0.03 RReessppoonnssee ttoo ccoonntteexxtt aanndd ppllaaccee Respond to the surrounding architecture 1166%% 44%% 3.67 0.03 4.50 0.03 4.67 0.03 4.67 0.03 4.33 0.03 3.83 0.03 3.83 0.03 Recognition of Indigenous identity 77%% 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.33 0.03 0.67 0.01 1.00 0.01 2.67 0.04 1.17 0.02 CCoommmmuunniittyy--bbaasseedd ddeecciissiioonn Flexibility for community engagment 1166%% 88%% 3.17 0.05 3.67 0.06 1.83 0.03 4.67 0.07 1.33 0.02 2.67 0.04 3.50 0.05 mmaakkiinngg Incorporate community voices 99%% 3.17 0.05 2.17 0.04 1.67 0.03 4.83 0.08 1.00 0.02 2.83 0.05 3.50 0.06 SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy aanndd eeccoollooggiiccaall Provide space for bird migration 77%% 0.50 0.01 2.50 0.03 3.00 0.04 1.67 0.02 1.67 0.02 3.50 0.05 4.00 0.06 ccoonnnneeccttiivviittyy Increase biodiversity 2233%% 99%% 3.33 0.06 3.00 0.05 3.33 0.06 2.33 0.04 3.67 0.06 3.50 0.06 3.50 0.06 Manage stormwater 77%% 4.17 0.06 4.00 0.06 4.00 0.06 3.83 0.05 3.67 0.05 3.50 0.05 3.00 0.04 TToottaall SSccoorree 11 11 5566%% 5588%% 5577%% 7766%% 5500%% 5533%% 6611%% weighted decision making matrix and option analysis
P.19 Seating Planter Grill station Firepit mobile modular concept
WoVen tAble | P.20
P.21 Alberta Avenue District Community Civic Dashboard Data Analytics & Representation An interactive data dashboard showing latest civic information to build community capacity and enpower decision making, Edmonton Link to Dashboard The Alberta Avenue District introduces an interactive Communi- ty Civic Dashboard, designed to transform how local governance and community members engage with crucial data. This intuitive platform stands out for its ease of use, allowing users to navi- gate seamlessly through various layers of information. By simply clicking on the visuals, users can dissect and isolate speci昀椀c data points, making it straightforward to derive meaningful insights from complex datasets. The dashboard is engineered to automat- ically refresh, ensuring that the latest information is always at the 昀椀ngertips of its users as soon as it becomes available. It achieves this through direct connections to a multitude of data sources, streamlining the process of data aggregation and visualization. As an advanced analytics tool, it aids the district council in the stra- tegic allocation of resources, enabling a data-driven approach to decision-making. This systematic method of reviewing and analyz- ing data not only enhances transparency but also improves the ef昀椀ciency of community management, fostering a more informed and engaged public.
CoMMunIty CIVIC DAshboARD | P.22 snapshots of dashboard
P.23 Between the Planes Academic Project An spatial imagination exercise between two de昀椀ned horizontal planes Instructor: Neil Li This innovative project presents a nuanced interpretation of lines across provided planes, creating a captivating exploration of space and form. It meticulously crafts one light and one dark space, each designed to harness the potential of soft natural light to its fullest. By prioritizing the infusion of natural illumination, the project not only maximizes the aesthetic and functional bene昀椀ts of light but also fosters an ambiance that shifts and evolves through- out the day. Further, it delves into the intricate interface between structure and ground, examining the dynamic interplay and seam- less integration of architectural elements with the ground.
betWeen the PlAnes | P.24 the given planes
P.25 conceptual sketches and light well model
betWeen the PlAnes | P.26 light quality and spatial strategies
P.27 light well studies
betWeen the PlAnes | P.28 exploded perspectives
betWeen the PlAnes | P.30
P.31 Community Chain-link Fence Mural Art Installation An community led art installation that transform a china-link fence into a canvas of unity, Edmonton Driven by the need to create a more inviting space for Parkdale Cromdale Community Hall, I initiated a project to transform the existing chain-link fence, which makes up the majority of the exte- rior appearance of the community hall, into the one of the biggest community led mural projects in Edmonton. Two mural workshops were held to collect community input through pattern making. These patterns and designs, represent- ing the diversity of the community, were digitalized in Adobe Illus- trator and curated together to form a vibrant and cohesive mural. A custom program was created on the Processing platform to convert the vector 昀椀le into a pixelated mural that is comprised of over 27,000 individual color pieces. The code created within the program also helps to generate detailed installation keys of 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft segments with an exact count for each colour. Reference rows and columns from the segment above and beside are also included in the key for ease of installation. This mural is intended to encapsulate the essence of community, both in the process of design and construction. It is great to see fence between building and residents being replaced by mural and new connection fostered between all surrounding residents.
CoMMunIty MuRAl | P.32 Illustrative Plan
P.33 publication for the reveal ceremony
CoMMunIty MuRAl | P.34 geometric designs by neighbours and community members
P.35 automated installation keys
CoMMunIty MuRAl | P.36 overall mural design
CoMMunIty MuRAl | P.38 reveal ceremony during Covid 19 pandemic
FolDIng PAPeR & FlIPPIng PAges | P.40 Folding Paper & Flipping Pages Academic Project A library design inspired by childhood love for origami and book, Vancouver Instructor: Bill Pechet, Joanne Gates Located at the northwest corner of Robson and Broughton streets, this neighborhood library’s roof form is inspired by the art of ori- gami, with simple folds allowing for access to the living green roof from Robson Street beneath the shade of an existing big leaf ma- ple tree. This not only adds a unique visual element to the library’s design, but also provides a viewing platform for all the festivities on Robson Street. As you enter the library, you’ll be greeted by a tranquil courtyard featuring a tree and re昀氀ective pool. This court- yard serves as much-needed green open space and a community gathering place for the neighborhood. The switchback circulation of the building is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, de- signed to promote accessibility while also encouraging visitors to slow down and take their time in the fast-paced world.
P.41 origami conceptual massing models
FolDIng PAPeR & FlIPPIng PAges | P.42 circulation and bookshelf placement studies
P.43 Eihu Lane 2 4 UP 6 3 Broughton Street 5 DOWN UP 4 1 Robson Approach 7 DOWN 2 Eihu Lane Entrance 3 Reception 4 Library Circulatiom 5 Courtyard 1 6 Mezzanine Lounge 7 24/7 Washroom Robson Street
FolDIng PAPeR & FlIPPIng PAges | P.44 1 2 3 1. paper section model 2. courtyard clay rendering 3. circulation clay rendering
P.45 Rode House Academic Project A Revit modeling exercise Architect: Pezo Von Ellrichshausen I was struck by the simplicity of how the building form was con- ceived by using some simple cylinder and cone, and the complex- ity of geometry it created, particularly when it interacts with the interior space. Contracting to its external form, the internal spatial arrangement follows a structured grid, and de昀椀nes a rhythm by allow the space to expand and contract. It was a satisfying Revit exercise,
ReVIt-RoDe house | P.46 ARCH 577B Rode House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Chonchi, Chile scale: 1 : 100 drawn by:Author East Elevation A3.01 Dining Room Living Room Bedroom 2 Bedroom 1 WC1 WC 2
P.47 - - = = ARCH 577B Rode House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Chonchi, Chile scale: drawn by:K.Wong Massing Diagram S0.00 spatial operation diagram
ReVIt-RoDe house | P.48 ARCH 577B Rode House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Chonchi, Chile scale: 1 : 10 drawn by:K.Wong Wood Fram Explode A0.03 ARCH 577B Rode House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Chonchi, Chile scale: 1 : 50 drawn by:K.Wong Section Perspective A0.04 Section Perspective 1 WoodFrame 1
P.49 ARCH 577B Rode House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Chonchi, Chile scale: 1 : 100 drawn by:K.Wong Section 3 A2.01 ARCH 577B Rode House by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Chonchi, Chile scale: 1 : 100 drawn by:Author Section 4 A2.02
ReVIt-RoDe house | P.50 ARCH 577B Rode House ARCH 577B by Pezo von Rode House Ellrichshausen by Pezo von Ellrichshausen Chonchi, Chile scale: Chonchi, Chile drawn by:K.Wong scale: Interior Rendering 1 drawn by:K.Wong Interior Rendering 2 S0.03 S0.04

Shifting Perspective Academic Project A garden design aims to provide a new perspective of our fear structure through a series of sensory experiences, Vancouver Recognizing it’s important to seek professional help for people ex- periencing PTSD, this garden aims to provide an additional inter- vention through activating existing fear structure, providing a new perspective and a space to process and alter cognition associated with past traumatic events.
New Perspective Grass Garden Forced Perspective Dark Hedge Processing Sunset Hill illustrative plan
circulation sensory experience analysis
spatial organization
1 2 3 1. forced perspective dark hedge (activate fear structure) 2. soft grass and scent garden (provide new perspective) 3. warm sunset hill (process new thoughts and behaviour)
experimenting with hand-drawn rendering assets (fall experience)
1 2 1. spring experience 2. fall experience
P.59 Other Works Various projects from school and life: Grasshopper, Furniture, Hand sketches, illustration and more. Working on an academic project with the Huu-ay-aht First Nation at their ancestral site, Kiixin, was an amazing experience that I’m really grateful for. It felt special to connect with such a meaning- ful place and its history. Aside from that, I love getting my hands dirty with some sketching and woodworking in my other projects— it’s just satisfying to make something tangible. And when I’m not building or sketching, you can 昀椀nd me messing around with Adobe applications, creating illustrations or diagrams. I’m always on the lookout to pick up new skills, whether that’s through a project or just in my free time. Mixing the old-school crafting with digital design keeps things interesting and lets me keep learning and growing.
otheR WoRks | P.60 FREDERIC LASSERRE BUILDING SOUTH ELEVATION UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Scale 1:200 0 1 5 10 Percentage of ambient temperature 275 % 250 % 225 % 70mins 200 % to stop emitting heat after sunset 175 % 150 % 2% 91% 7% 196mins 125 % Reflected light Convectional heat Thermal Radiation to stop emitting heat after sunset 100 % Incoming SunlightReflected lightConvectional HeaThermal Radia Vancouver West End HEAT ISLAND EFFECT Asphalt Bitumen tion tt S k i n M o d e l P l a c e o f R e s t 2810 1430 1430 1430 1430 1430 2100 20910 1 ISOMETRIC Scale: 1:200 84X140MM 1 . DIMENSION LUMBER 84X140MM 6° DIMENSION LUMBER 200X350MM GLUELAM 2684 OJECT OJECT NO 84X140MM 84X140MM PR ARCH 51PR Assignment 3 DIMENSION LUMBER DIMENSION LUMBER 200X350MM GLUELAM 84X140MM 84X140MM DIMENSION LUMBER DIMENSION LUMBER 4285 200X350MM GLUELAM WN BY SCREW PILE 2 PLAN ISSUEDec 4, 2023DRAKW (REFER TO STRUCTURAL) Scale: 1:200 REFER TO STRUCTRAL 2312 4833 3898 6290 3 SOUTH ELEVATION Scale: 1:200 A.01
P.61 BOW: 11.69 BOW: 12.40 BOW: 12.50 H TOW: 12.82 TOW: 12.82 TOW: 12.82 LEGEND W BOW: 11.55 DI BOW: 11.75 BOW: 11.55 M HP: (14.61) TOF: 11.52 DI : TOF: 11.52 ( DI SYMBOLS: 7. TOF: 10.85 INV. OUT 11.30 8 0) 0) RAIN GARDEN (0 EXISTING 5.0M CONTOUR NE-7 RIP RAP EROSION CONTROL DI LP: (11.16) 0) TOF: 9.70 (0 EXISTING 1.0M CONTOUR HPS: 10.80 NE-6 DI TOF: 9.94 00 PROPOSED 5.0M CONTOUR INV. OUT 8.10 BOT: (11.44) 00 PROPOSED 1.0M CONTOUR RIP RAP DI EROSION CONTROL 2. TOF: 10.05 61 ( (00.00) % 14 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION ( ) NE-8 13) HPS: 13.65 INV. OUT 11.70 00.00 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ( DI 1 TOF: 9.45 DI NE-5 3 BOT: (11.08) 2 TOF: 10.19 2 ) . . BOT: (10.4) 0% ( 61 2.0% ( 1 % RUNNEL TOW: 12.82 BOT: (00.00) EXISTING BASE OF TREE ELEVATION 7 2 TOW: 12.82 BOW: 11.86 BOW: 11.90 ( ) INV. OUT 9.00 ) 2 BOW: 11.86 1 ( . BOT: (13.62) BOW: 11.90 2.0% 12.05 2.0% 2 1 0 DI ) RIP RAP 1) % 2.0% HWM: (00.00) HIGH WATER MARK TOF: 9.05 ( ( 1 1 EROSION CONTROL 0) 2) BOT: 00.00 PROPOSED BASE OF TREE ELEVATION NW-6 : 11.75 FFE 2. DI RUNNEL 0 TOF: 10.80 % 2 ( INV. OUT 9:80 .7 1 1 TOC: 00.00 TOP OF CURB ELEVATION % ( 1 (9 NE-9 0.00 1 ) ( ) 0 8 DI % DI 00 ) ) TOF: 9.18 2. TOF: 12.15 9.22 DI NE-2 BOC: 00.00 BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION TOF: 13.35 DI NW-5 DI NW-7 NE-4 % TOF: 10.95 BOT: (9.39) 61 NE-1 TOF: 10.44 2. RUNNEL DI DI HPS: 10.95 TOF: 10.44 NE-3 TOF: 11.20 TOW: 00.00 TOP OF WALL ELEVATION INV. OUT 8.10 DI ( TOF: 10.69 2 7 DI . ) TOF: 12.44 RUNNEL 7 RIP RAP 1 ( % 2 BOW: 00.00 BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION % 8 .0 .0 BOW: 12.60 % 2 ) RIP RAP 2 0% 0 TOW: 12.82 EROSION CONTROL . .0 . EROSION CONTROL NE-10 2 % 2 0 SE-0 BOW: 11.52 % ( DI TOS: 00.00 TOP OF STAIR ELEVATION 9 % TOF: 8.93 ) 61 RIP RAP 2. DI 2 TOF: 9.01 . % ( EROSION CONTROL 6 ( 1 1 NE-11 1 HEAD WALL 1 . 7 0 2 % BOS: 00.00 BOTTOM OF STAIR ELEVATION INV. OUT 12:80 3 ) DI . ) 2 TOF: 8.93 0 DI BOT: (13.89) BOT: (12.38) 0 % TOF: 11.52 DI DI INV. OUT 7.80 BOT: (12.99) NE-0 TOF: 11.52 TOW: 12.82 HP: 00.00 HIGH POINT ELEVATION % RUNNEL TOF: 9.05 0% .00 11.75 11.73 BOW: 11.55 BOW: 11.20 0 2 2.0% % NW-8 2. 11.54 11.55 0 9.17 % . NW-4 2.00 2 LP: 00.00 LOW POINT ELEVATION ( 0 1 . 15% DI 2 0 E 9 1. TOF: 11.48 DI E ) HPS: 13.60 % BOW: 13.07 TOF: 11.57 HPS: 00.00 HIGH POINT OF SWALE HP: (13.91) % 0 2.0% 0 2 DI 2. TOW: 13.20 11.59 .71% 2 NW-9 TOF: 8.93 BOW: 11.52 CAFE CENTRELINE OF SWALE .0 % 2.7 1% SE-1 HP: (13.13) % NW-11 4.0 : 11.63 NW-10 BOT: (12.62) FFE 2. DI 1 ME 7 1 2 L-101 % .0 CENTRELINE OF RUNNEL 9.10 % TOF: 9.00 % DI ME BOT: (12.9) SW-0 TOF: 9.05 % 2.00 0 TSCLUB ) . SPOR UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE AND DIRECTION 1 15 (1 DI : 11.59 2.00 % ( FFE DI TOF: 10.95 BOT: (10.52) BOT: (12.77) 13) TOF: 11.03 DI NW-3 2. 9.05 TOF: 11.57 CENTRELINE OF ROAD 71% SW-1 E 11.55 TOW: 11.63 RUNNEL E BOW: 11.52 % .0 6.08% 00 2 2. CENTRELINE, SLOPE, AND DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE . 0 3.86% 0 % DI % SE-2 TOF: 11.54 2.78% 2.00% NW-2 RUNNEL .0% PERCENTAGE SLOPE, ARROWS POINT DOWN SLOPE DI 00 2. DI TOF: 8.99 2.00% 2.71% 0% 2 TOF: 11.63 SW-2 9.04 BOW: 12.42 2.46% . 71 DI 3.55% 11.50 TOW: 13.50 % TOF: 11.93 TOW: 12.60 TOW: 12.60 2.46% 2.46% BOW: 11.98 2.0% NW-1 INV. OUT 8.15 BOW: 12.09 BOW: 11.93 2.00% 3.43% 2.46% TOW: 11.50 DI TOW: 11.50 L 2. NW-0 2) DI DI 3.43% BOW: 11.24 TOF: 11.50 BOW: 11.00 C 0% 1 TOF: 11.46 TOC: 11.91 2.71 % 2. ( TOF: 11.79 0% TOC: 11.96 11.87 TOC: 12.14 EXISTING TREE TOC: 11.94 BOC: 11.71 DI BOC: 11.94 DI DI 9% BOC: 11.74 TOF: 8.90 BOC: 11.94 11.16 0. DI 1 TOF: 11.69 TOF: 11.89 BOW: 9.00 DI TOF: 11.80 DI ) 0% 0% TOW: 9.10 TOF: 11.90 %% TOF: 11.00 . . 00 11.63 13 2 2 22.. ( 0% DI BOW: 9.07 11.77 2. 12.00 TOF: 9.95 SW-3 9.04 %0 HP12.602 SE-3 12.00 L C 11.54 DI . 11.22 11.0011.00 10.8010.80 1. TOF: 9.00 2 DI 49 1. 4 % 0% 9 2. % 2.0% TOF: 8.85 ( 3.43% 3.43% EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED 11.57 0% 10) 0%% . 0 2 2.. % DI 2.0% INV. OUT 8.45 DI 2 DI .0 DI DI HPS: 10.00 DI DI 2 TOF: 11.43 TOF: 11.66 TOF: 11.89 BOC: 11.94 BOC: 11.94 TOF: 11.90 TOF: 11.80 TOF: 11.16 11.16 TOF: 10.66 BOC: 11.48 BOC: 11.71 TOC: 12.14 TOC: 11.68 TOC: 11.91 BOW: 12.14 RIP RAP TOC: 11.96 % TOW: 12.30 ( 2 11.51 BOW: 11.93 BOW: 12.30 SW-4 EROSION CONTROL ( 7) .0 TOW: 12.00 9.03 6 0 % .91% 2.00 EROSION CONTROL SURFACE 2. ) 0 BOW: 11.72 0% TOW: 12.50 % 0 BOW: 11.50 % ) . 9 2 10. 7( 11.18 TOC: 11.46 TOW: 12.90 11.17 BOC: 11.26 11.75 0 11.46 11.32 11.31 5.04% 10.87 10.73 . 15 % INV. OUT 7.80 SE-4 TOW: 11.30 2.68% DI 11.37 DI 0.43% DI 10.78 DI RAIN GARDENS, DETENTIONS, ETC. 11.32 DI BOW: 11.00 TOF: 11.40 TOF: 11.27 11.15 TOF: 10.80 TOF: 10.67 TOW: 1 TOF: 8.97 BOT: (8.81) 68% . 2 3 101 BOW: 1 ) ) SW-5 9.02 GRATED GUTTER L- 3.43% 2 1 DI BOW: 10.23 3.43% 1 1 2.00% 11.27 AVERAGE ANNUAL HIGH WATER MARK ( ( TOF: 8.97 TOW: 11.27 ) BOC: 11.26 1 2.00% GRATED WALKWAY 2.00% 1 TOC: 11.46 DI 2.00% ( FOR OPEN BODIES OF WATER TOF: 9.55 TOS: 11.30 3.43 % BOW: 11.50 BOS: 11.20 % DI 2 ) .0 TOF: 11.11 TOW: 13.20 . 0 BOW:11.30 1 0 1 2 % 2 E .31 2.00% ( 9.01 L-101 E : 1 E ) ABBREVIATIONS: TOW: 11.24 1 SW-6 E M 1 DI BOT: (12.84) TOW: 11.27 F BOW: 11.24 ( TOW: 12.00 TOF: 11.11 BOW: 10.49 F E 2.00 % ME MAIN ENTRANCE BOW: 11.27 SE-5 SU EE EMERGENCY EXIT TOC: 11.23 OH BOC: 11.03 RIP RAP % N FFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION EROSION CONTROL 9 2.00% W OF OVERFLOW 11.09 % BOT: (10.07) .0 BOW: 9.06 O 2.0 0 TOW: 9.50 T 4.39% SW-7 9.00 BOW: 9.00 Y DI DRAIN INLET % BOW: 9.02 ( TOF TOP OF FRAME 49 TOW: 9.02 R 10) 1. INV. OUT 8.20 BOW: 9.02 4.94% TO TOC/BOC TOP/BOTTOM OF CURB TOC: 11.14 % BOC: 11.03 DI DI S BOC: 10.94 .0 TOC: 11.23 TOF: 8.97 2.00% DI TOW/BOW TOP/BOTTOM OF WALL 2 % TOF: 9.45 DI O DI .0 BOW: 11.27 TOF: 8.90 W TOF: 10.32 TOF: 10.94 2 0) % TOW: 11.66 69 T 11.00 TOW: 12.90 (1 SW-8 0 BOW: 10.88 .1 0 2. 1: ME DI ( E DI % TOF: 8.95 10) BOT: (10.27) E FE 10.79 F TOF: 10.94 5 TOW: 11.25 BOC: 10.94 % 0.1 9.00 10.63 10.54 .0 SE-6 TOC: 11.15 BOW: 10.22 TOC: 11.14 SW-9 2 BOC: 10.95 ) RIP RAP 2.00% BOW:11.69 (9 EROSION CONTROL DI 8.99 .69 2.00% TOF: 10.63 EE 11 E 10.86 BOT: (11.41) DI INV. OUT 7.80 :E M TOW: 11.63 TOF: 8.82 F BOW: 10.94 8) TOW: 11.66 F BOW: 11.28 SW-10 DI ( G E project name: LARC 531 GRADING & DRAINAGE TOF: 8.93 LP: (9.75) 8.98 SU OH DI TOF: 8.95 ( N print date: 07 APRIL, 2023 11) 2.00% W TOC: 11.00 SE-7 O T Y ( 2.00% drawn by: CB, CW, DA, KW 6 R 4.75% ) 5.57% TOS 2.00% BOW: 11.00 TOW: 11.00 OW checked by: CB, CW, DA, KW 3 T BOT: (11.82) BOW: 11.78 TOW: 12.10 .12 TOW: 12.07 11( INV. OUT 10.85 RIP RAP 1 E BOW: 10.76 ) EROSION CONTROL E :E M E F TOC: 10.69 DI TOC: 10.29 TOW: 11.25 BOT: (11.76) F TOC: 10.82 BOC: 10.49 TOF: 10.30 BOC: 10.09 north: DI BOC: 10.62 10.49 BOW: 10.16 BOT: (10.74) 2 INV. OUT 8.10 TOF: 8.95 BOW: 12.13 BOC 10.33 .0 2.00% 10.45 0 % SE-8 DI TOF: 8.90 BOT: (10.66) 31 2.00% DI scale: 1:200 2 . TOF: 9.90 .0 E 2 TOC: 10.61 2.00% 0 E 1 E % 2 :E M TOW: 12.07 BOW: 10.64 BOC: 10.41 . TOW: 11.00 RAIN GARDEN 00 BOW: 12.10 TOW: 12.10 FF DI TOF: 10.15 BOW: 10.19 9.29 % ( 0m 2m 5m 10m 20m 12) SE 2 OU .0 2.00% H 0 N % ( 10) BOT: (10.37) W site number: 01 DI O TOF: 8.94 T SE-9 5.57% RY .00 OT 4.90% drawing title: GRADING PLAN : 0 FE F % 0 S INV. OUT 9.85 0 BOT: (10.35) . O 2 DI % W 2.00% RAIN GARDEN sheet number: 1 of 5 TOF: 8.93 09 TOW: 12.54 7 T 0. BOW: 12.31 .5 SE-10 HPS: 10.90 12 E ( 2.00% 13) : (1 E E M sheet name: 0) RIP RAP DI E FF BOW: 12.57 EROSION CONTROL TOF: 10.20 2.00% HPS: 12.29 BOW: 12.40 TOW: 12.54 TOW: 12.51 INV. OUT 8.20 TOS: 12.44 BOW: 10.40 BOS: 12.29 12.65% TOS: 10.38 L-100 HP: (13.29) BOS: 12.29 BOS: 10.27 NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY SPATIAL DESIGN NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY László Moholy-Nagy K VII CONCEPTS LWL -3.0m LWL -3.0m NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY MWL 0.0m LWL -3.0m CROWN LAND MWL 0.0m NATURAL NAVIGATION CHANNEL BOUNDARY ) FORSHORE LWL -3.0m OUT OF SCOPE ( HWM 2.0m HWM 2.0m MWL 0.0m NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK HWM 2.0m NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK SWALE PLANTING EL 3.5 EL 3.7 EL 3.6 BOTTOM OF SWALE OVERFLOW DRAIN EL 3.55 1 EL 3.5 WEIR WALL ROCK EDGE TO SLOW DOWN WATER FLOW MWL 0.0m HWM 2.0m L114 PUMP HOUSE NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK LP 3% EL 3.55 3% NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK HP 3% 3% 1 HP 3% EL 3.5 L112 EL 3.5 LP EL 2.25 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% HP 3% EL 4.3 3% HWM 2.0m HP LP 3% 3% HP HP BW 1.86 3% 3% 3% HP HP 3% HP 3% EL 3.5 LP 3% TOP PLAY MULCH HP LP 3% 3% HP EL 5 2 ACTIVATOR SPRAY NOZZLE L113 SLOT DRAIN 1 CONCRETE PAD WITH NON-SLIP FINISH L113 EL 5 EL 5.24 GABION BENCH EL 4.65 EL 5 SAND PIT 0001 Waterfront Landing Park EL 5.01 EL 5.5 Squamish, BC NATURAL BOUNDARY SETBACK scale: 1 : 200 drawn by:KW & EB EL 3.5 Splashpad Plan L111 EL 4.32 PROPOSED HWM 2.0m HWM 2.0m EL 4.8 EL 4.3 EL 4.8 SS SSSS ESES RR DD DREDRE DD ADAD A A TT TT ee ll ECEC ECEC TitTit tt OJOJ OJOJ PRPR PRPR ProjecProjec Architect Architect NN LandscapeLandscape IOIO ConsultantConsultant rr EE TT V.V. ByBy DESCRIPTDESCRIPT NO NO 00 DATEDATE RERE ManageManage EE11 -- tt USE USE UU TT le t ct IDct ID tletle ISSISS DATEDATE NO.NO. Drawn ByDrawn By ProjecProjec .. Reviewed Reviewed 019-05019-05 EL 5.25 DateDate 22 DO NODO NO ProjeProje Sheet TitleSheet Ti Sheet TiSheet Ti Sheet NoSheet No L0.04 L0.04 EL 5 F.H. B.C.H. & P.A. R/W 9 REF. PLAN 7520 16 9 17 8 16 18 9 71 7 17 8 6 18 7 19 5 BLOCK "H" 6 20 D. L. 9 1 2 70 5 21 BLOCK E PLAN 4627 4 22 3
otheR WoRks | P.62 Organic Soil Humus Primary Succession in the COastal Rainforest ALaska’s forests & Wildlife
Kevin Chihong Wong 2024