Dr. Charles P. Shelly Thurston, MD Morrison, NP Experienced physician and Ambitious nurse practitioner and sacri昀椀cial friend attentive mother BIOGRAPHY BIOGRAPHY Charles, 64, is an experienced physician with over Shelly, 32, is a high-performing individual with a 35 years as a family doctor. Nearly the last third of his carefully curated schedule. She works part-time at career has been a struggle to transition from paper the urgent care which allows her to remain involved to digital patient charting in EHR systems. While he in her daughter’s lives. As a nurse, she cares for sees younger doctors le昀琀 and right who have easily every patient that comes to the practice and hopes adapted, he is le昀琀 doing over double the work to to help make them feel better, even if it’s only for keep up. Everyone loves Doctor Thurston, and he the brief time she can provide care for them. A昀琀er actively cares for his patients despite the extra work. each appointment, Shelly works quickly clicking In order to maintain the relationship and trust he through the pre-built EHR templates and sending brings to each patient interaction, he proactively prescriptions within 5 minutes. While she believes QUOTE makes notes from the EHR system on his legal pad the EHR system her practice uses is outdated and “I hope I can help people receive before entering the room to provide full attention to QUOTE cumbersome compared to others she used during the patient and avoid wrestling the EHR system in real “I’m a better doctor using a residency, it provides enough stability and simplicity timely care so they can start to time. He works on his patients’ charts up until he goes pen and paper.” to allow her to leave her work at work. She can end feel better faster and return to to bed, and even though he will miss caring for his her day with peace of mind knowing her work and the healthiest version patients, he looks forward to the day where he can home life are both under control. of themselves.” retire and escape from the demands an EHR adds to his life. NEEDS & GOALS CHALLENGES & CONSIDERATIONS NEEDS & GOALS CHALLENGES & CONSIDERATIONS • Maintaining high-quality care standards despite • Multi-tasking during an appointment presents risk • Integrating with other systems to reference • Frequently starting from scratch with patient high patient volume to delivering high-quality care historical medication lists and 昀氀ag potential charts coming for urgent care means a lot of data • Simple, one-click actions to access current • Low aptitude with computers and technology interactions for future prescriptions entry before, during and a昀琀er the appointment. patient medical data means longer time to complete tasks • A less busy and updated look-and-feel to improve • New practitioners are overwhelmed with the • Preserved focus on patient instead of • Sitting and typing behind a computer screen EHR perceptions busyness and number of acronyms used. transcription and data entry into EHR during during an appointment is contrary to empathetic • Serving up data onscreen at the right time (and • With quick data capture, comes more regular appointments bedside manner removing the number of clicks to access data) will grammatical mistakes. • Visibility options to accommodate older eyes and • Scribes aren’t always available to doctors and allow for more attention on the patient prevent eye strain depends upon the practice • E昀케cient support for post-visit documentation • A昀琀er-hours work to complete administrative tasks tasks like a昀琀er visit summaries, prescriptions, brings increased threat of burnout and medical lab requests and results, imaging requests and error referral notes • Internal communication and chats from services • Less disruptive internal notes and messaging like Microso昀琀 Teams add more work and introduce controls to collaborate with others in the practice a way for doctors to be exploited by patients • Straightforward, customizable template builders heckling nurses that allow for personal notes regarding the patient

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