2) Religious Architecture (temples) Trademark features include a split Candi Ben- tar gate that shows symmetry and a Padurak- sa gateway where a towering roof incorporates the threshold inside. Bale kulkuls are anoth- er common feature, which act as a watchtower or drum tower and lastly, the Meru towers that represent the heavenly abode of gods. Temples are usually divided into three zones or sanctums known as Nista mandala, Madhya mandala and Uttam mandala in ascending order of sancti- ty. While the Candi Bentar gate demarcates the outer world from the temple, the compound as the main gateway, the paduraksa is often used to demarcate the innermost holy sanctum, where the gods reside, from the middle sanctum. Meru Towers Candi Bentar Bale Kulkuls 3) Colonial Ar- chitecture The 16th and 17th centuries saw the arrival of European powers in Indone- sia who used ma- sonry for much of their construction. Previously timber and its by-products had been almost exclusively used in Indonesia, with the exception of some Paduruksa Gateway Bagan Pura major religious and

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