palace architecture. One of the first major Dutch settlements was Bat- avia (later renamed Jakarta) which in the 17th and 18th centuries was a fortified brick and masonry city. For almost two centuries, the co- lonialists did little to adapt their European architectural habits to the tropical climate. In Batavia, for example, they constructed canals through its low-lying terrain, which were fronted by small-windowed and poorly ventilated row houses, Blenduk Church, Semarang mostly in a Chinese-Dutch hybrid style. The canals became dumping grounds for noxious waste and sewage and an ideal breed- ing ground for the anopheles mosquitos, with malaria and dysentery becoming rife through- out the Dutch East Indies colonial capital. Although row houses, canals and enclosed solid walls were first thought as protection against tropical diseases coming from tropical air, years later the Dutch learnt to adapt their architectural style with local building features (long eaves, verandahs, porticos, large win- Javanese/Neo-Classical Indo-European hybrid villa dows and ventilation openings).The Indies Style of middle 18th century were among the first colonial buildings to incorporate Indo- nesian architectural elements and attempt adapting to the climate. The basic form, such as the longitudinal organisation of spaces and use of joglo and limasan roof structures, was Javanese, but it incorporated European decorative elements such as neoclassical col- umns around deep verandahs. Whereas the Indies Style homes were essentially Indone- Bakorwil Pamekasan sian houses with European trim, by the ear- ly 20th century, the trend was for modernist influences—such as art-deco—being expressed in essentially European buildings with Indo- nesian trim (such as the pictured home's high-pitched roofs with Javan ridge details). Prac- tical measures carried over from the earlier Indo-European hybrids, which responded to the Indonesian climate, included overhanging eaves, larger windows and ventilation in the walls. At the end of the 19th century, great changes were happening across much of colonial Indonesia, particularly Java. Significant improvements to technology, communications and transportation

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