Ruma Gadang Province South Sumatra / Palembang The house is a wooden stage. In terms of architec- ture, the wood- en houses were called “Rumah Li- mas” or pyramid house because of the shape of a pyr- amid roof. Inher- Ruma Limas ent nature of South Sumatra with fresh water, be it wetlands and rivers, people build houses on stilts. Sun- gai .Musi on the banks of the pyramid there is still a house overlooking the river entrance. There are two types of pyramid house in South Sumatra, the pyramid was built houses with floors of different heights and are parallel. Limas house whose floor level is often called a pit house. House building pyramid using unglen or merbau wood is waterproof. The walls are made of wooden planks arranged upright. For up to the house pyramid made of two wooden terraces from the left and right. Part of the terrace house is usually surrounded by a wooden fence called tenggalung barred. Philosophical meaning behind the wooden fence that is to hold that girls are not out of the house. Part of the room walls are decorated with carved floral motifs are painted with golden color. Not infrequently, the owner uses the tin and gold carvings and antique chandeliers as an accessory. Golden yellow color of paint that will be retained as distinct from Palembang. In addition to wood carvings, decorative carved cabinets along the walls of a confirmation of the guest room

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