Province North Sumatra / Batak In general, the form of building cus- tom homes in the Batak indigenous group symbolizing "standing buffalo". It is even more clear to decorate the top of the roof with a buffalo head. The traditional house of the Batak, Batak Ruma, standing tall and state- ly, and still mostly found in Samosir. Karo traditional house "Siwaluh Jabu" looks great and is higher in compar- Siwalu Jabu ison with other custom homes. The roof is made of fibers and is usually coupled with the roofs of the smaller triangle is called a "ayo-ayo rumah" and "tersek". With soaring roof layers Karo's house has a distinctive shape compared with other traditional houses that have only one layer of roofing in North Sumatra. Omo Sebua Nias Island: "Omo Niha", The shape and layout of the house type and type Gomo Moro. Home with the type of Moro, ovoid shape diagram. While the house type Gomo, schematics nearly a square, but contain curved lines. Nias construction of hous- es made of hard wood and sturdy. Poles are high, so people can get into under the house. Forms of traditional chief's house, the roof is dominant compared to other houses. Province West Sumatra / Padang The traditional house of West Sumatra, especially from ethnic Minangkabau called "Rumah Gadang". Tower House is made rectangular and divided into two front and rear portion, generally made of wood, and a cursory look like a house on stilts with the roof shape of a typical, stand out like a buffalo horn, the local community and was formerly called gonjong roof is made from fibers be- fore switching with a tin roof. Bagonjong house is inspired by the local community of legend, which tells of the arrival of their ancestors by boat from the sea. Another characteristic of this traditional house is not wearing metal spikes but the use of wooden pegs, yet powerful enough as a binder.

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