FUNDRAISING IN CANADA Continuing with our legacy of unforgettable events, below is a snapshot of how Save a Child’s Heart Canada succeeded in raising over $2.1 million dollars in 2022. The Best of the Best Ungala • A gastronomic experience curated by Anthony Rose, featuring the best dishes from some of Toronto’s best chefs and restauranteurs • More than $1.1 million dollars raised with over 600 people in attendance Young Professional Events Multiple in-person events including Movie Night, • Cocktails for a Cause, and fitness classes held over the course of the year in both Toronto and Montreal • Approximately $55,000 raised thanks to our Young Professional Boards Levity Musical • Our inaugural musical showcase featuring popular songs from Broadway to the Top 100 music charts, hosted by The Food Network’s John Catucci • Through sponsorships and ticket sales (both in-person and livestream), $150,000 was raised S A V E A C H I L D ' S H E A R T C A N A D A I M P A C T R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 4 |

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