2022 IN REVIEW Save a Child’s Heart has now treated more than 6,000 children, expanded to its 66th country (South Sudan) and officially opened the doors to the new Sylvan Adams Children’s Hospital at the Wolfson Medical Center in Israel. Read on for more highlights from the last 12 months: Medical Treatment in Israel 1 12 new medical professionals were trained in Israel by Save a Child's Heart, hailing from Ethiopia, Zambia, the Palestinian Authority, Gaza and Nigeria. Surgeries and Treatment Abroad Five medical missions were conducted - two interventional 2 cardiology missions in Tanzania (funded by Canadians) which treated 43 children in total, one surgical mission on the Ivory Coast which treated 49 children, one clinic in Zanzibar and one clinic in Chad which screened 448 children. Saving Lives Internationally Over 1,000 children underwent cardiology examinations and 3 attended follow-up in clinics held in Zanzibar and Chad, along with the weekly Palestinian clinic held every Tuesday in Israel at the Ida Cabakoff International Pediatric Cardiac Center for Save a Child's Heart. 3 S A V E A C H I L D ' S H E A R T C A N A D A I M P A C T R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 3 |

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