LOOKING AHEAD TO 2023 We continue to raise the bar each year. Read on to find out how Save a Child’s Heart Canada intends to show our support in the next 12 months. Medical Treatment In Israel 1 Committed to providing all travel, accommodation and treatment costs for 40 children to go to Israel from developing countries. Support For Tanzania 2 Continue to support Save a Child’s Heart trained medical professionals in Tanzania and provide life-saving medical devices and supplies so more children can be treated locally. Partnering with Zambia 3 Build upon the existing relationship with Zambia, by funding treatment for children in Israel, training medical professionals and enhancing the connection between Zambia's Lusaka Teaching Hospital and the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute in Tanzania. S A V E A C H I L D ' S H E A R T C A N A D A I M P A C T R E P O R T 2 0 2 2 5 |