HW brand ebrochure


? E DO YOU SUSPECT THERE MIGHT At Headwaters School, we believe in the power of V BE A BETTER WAY FOR YOUR young people to solve challenges great and small. CHILD TO LEARN? We agree! And Headwaters is rede昀椀ning what That’s why we’ve built our culture around school should be. student-led exploration and creativity. Our approach BELIE to excellence is de昀椀ned by challenge and growth. Because we know when students are propelled by U curiosity and grounded in empathy, they are ready O for any opportunity life brings their way. O Y T D A Headwaters is the school for kids who are passionate about something, and when they get to Headwaters, it just ignites. ” H - MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT A foundational pillar of Headwaters is its dedication to promoting self-generated learning.” - GRADUATE W

? SHARED VALUES DEFINE OUR FOSTER BELONGING CULTURE AND HELP OUR We are a welcoming community that cultivates belonging and purpose and we create space to build bridges among diverse people and perspectives. We encourage STUDENTS AND TEACHERS DO a culture where all members can exercise their agency as we co-create powerful, UE THEIR BEST WORK EVERY DAY. positive change. LIVE THE PACT AL ENCOURAGE CURIOSITY We challenge our students, guides, staff, parents, and trustees to be Peacemakers, We embrace learning as a mindset. Headwaters has an Advocates, Creators, and Thinkers. The PACT re昀氀ects both the learning outcomes V We uplift curiosity in all forms – we aspire to and the world we hope to create. across topics, about each other, and amazing ability to see especially about how our world can the potential in each OU and should work. child and draw it out.” - ELEMENTARY PARENT Students develop their own voices through writing, presentation, and advocacy, Y PURSUE MEANING while listening and learning that other people can also be right. Our approach to academic excellence is de昀椀ned by challenge and O growth, not competition. Our human-centric environments are designed to drive deeper exploration and learning. Here, understanding matters D more than a score, and thoughtful questions push us further T than memorized answers. LET STUDENTS LEAD We believe education is done with students, not to them. Here, guides and students are equal participants, and students have WHA voice and choice in their experience.

EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE WHY DO WE CALL OUR ? PROPELLED BY CURIOSITY TEACHERS “GUIDES?” U At Headwaters, we tap students’ intrinsic motivation to learn, Our educators are called guides, a term that comes creating a joyful and challenging environment from Early from our Montessori roots. Headwaters guides are The Headwaters teachers Childhood through High School. observers and facilitators, encouraging children toward are magic. They see each ever-expanding concepts of interest and ability. child and can guide them to YO Starting in second grade they’re doing research where they need to stretch projects by themselves, which is what I would Each student actively engages with the questions and be challenged.” expect in a college experience — becoming a that interest them most. Guides lend structure and - ELEMENTARY PARENT person who can think, research, and present.” mentorship, empowering students to push the - ELEMENTARY PARENT traditional boundaries of learning. INSPIRES T EMPATHY & RESPECT: PEACE EDUCATION At Headwaters, students realize and practice their own power to solve con昀氀ict peacefully because Peace Education at every age is central to our culture. Young children learn the importance of being in community and how to resolve their WHA interpersonal con昀氀icts. Older children practice embracing difference and leading with curiosity and an open mind. Curiosity, exploration, and research are part of the experience in every grade level and prime students for lifelong growth.

FREEDOM & EMPOWERMENT: CHALLENGE & EXPRESSION: MONTESSORI APPROACH INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE At Headwaters, students continuously question, explore, and make The capstone of a Headwaters education is the renowned International connections in order to grow into con昀椀dent, enthusiastic, and Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. self-directed learners and community members. Montessori education is the curricular foundation at Headwaters from Early Childhood through In their junior and senior years, students hone their skills in critical thinking, 5th grade. Montessori classrooms are immediately recognizable for research, writing, and creative expression through the integrated IB framework. their beautifully prepared environments, deep engagement, student-led Completion of the program gives students a high school credential recognized learning, and caring guides. around the world and valued by universities as a marker of college readiness that transcends grades and standardized scores. With International Baccalaureate, there’s this underlying quality that makes you want to have a global perspective within all of your classes–from history to mathematics.” - HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT

? ACROSS THREE AUSTIN CAMPUSES, CITY AS CLASSROOM OW WE CREATE A JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY One of the advantages of our urban location is that students learn to be citizens of the city, engaging all R AND GROWTH FOR STUDENTS FROM the resources and challenges of Austin to enrich their The Headwaters 18 MONTHS THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL. on-campus lessons. experience aligns with G who she is and what she’s doing. There aren’t many EARLY CHILDHOOD At the downtown campus of Headwaters, middle and Montessori-based education where Headwaters helps my high school students learn to use public transportation, options for an insanely we cultivate independence and love kids develop their own engage with local businesses and nonpro昀椀ts, observe amazing middle school.” of learning, establishing a foundation map for their future.” government functioning, and navigate to museums, - MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT for success in school and life. libraries, and parks. Students who experience this level - EARLY CHILDHOOD of autonomy build self-reliance, problem-solving skills, PARENT ELEMENTARY and con昀椀dence. Montessori-based, academically rich environment where students develop the intellectual nimbleness, spirit, and resilience to thrive TUDENTS in adolescence and in the world in which they live. MIDDLE SCHOOL S Students explore their passions with increased independence, cultivate their sense of self and their role in the larger community, O and boost critical thinking skills to lay the groundwork for success D in the high school’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. HIGH SCHOOL W International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme curriculum provides the challenging capstone of the Headwaters education, as students develop their own scholarship, voice, and agency in a supportive and HO creative environment. Read more about our campuses here.

READY TO GET STARTED? Headwaters is a uniquely Austin school where curiosity leads us to excellence. If Headwaters School sounds like a place that would inspire you and your family, why not join us and be part of our community? Learn with us Become a supporter I mean, honestly, at the root of it, I think when kids feel valued, they’re motivated.” - MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENT HEADWATERS.ORG