FREEDOM & EMPOWERMENT: CHALLENGE & EXPRESSION: MONTESSORI APPROACH INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE At Headwaters, students continuously question, explore, and make The capstone of a Headwaters education is the renowned International connections in order to grow into con昀椀dent, enthusiastic, and Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. self-directed learners and community members. Montessori education is the curricular foundation at Headwaters from Early Childhood through In their junior and senior years, students hone their skills in critical thinking, 5th grade. Montessori classrooms are immediately recognizable for research, writing, and creative expression through the integrated IB framework. their beautifully prepared environments, deep engagement, student-led Completion of the program gives students a high school credential recognized learning, and caring guides. around the world and valued by universities as a marker of college readiness that transcends grades and standardized scores. With International Baccalaureate, there’s this underlying quality that makes you want to have a global perspective within all of your classes–from history to mathematics.” - HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT

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