digit sequence at the bottom of each card and the Suitcase Number is the number at the top left of a Suitcase. While Suitcase Number and Code are distinct concepts they are related, and it is important to consider how they are related to make ef昀椀cient deductions. A card’s Suitcase Number is always the middle digit of its Code, the 昀椀rst digit is always a number one less than the card’s Suitcase Number and the last digit is always a number one more than its Suitcase number. Thus, once you are able to determine a card’s Suitcase Number you are also able to determine its Code (i.e., a card with a Suitcase Number of 6 has Code 5-6-7, a card with Suitcase Number 9 has Code 8-9-1). You can also eliminate Suitcase Numbers based on learning information just about your opponent’s Code (see example below). Example: John plays “Wheel of Fate” and 昀氀ips a Guard with Card Number 9. His opponent, Jane, tells him that her Code does not contain a 9. Based on this information John can eliminate Suitcase Numbers 8, 9, and 1 from his Cypher Wheel since these numbers all have a 9 in their Code and therefore cannot be Jane’s Suitcase Number. The “Cypher Wheel” (Continued) 22