General Clarifying Principles • When Guards are exchanged between players they are 昀氀ipped face up and remain face up for the rest of the game. • All ranges are inclusive of the ends of the range (i.e., the range 1-4 includes the numbers 1 and 4). • When a card instructs you to “昀氀ip” a Guard or Guards and then interact with them, you may interact with (instead of, or in addition to) already 昀氀ipped Guards (e.g., Wheel of Fate, Shine Spotlights). • When a Card’s Ability refers to a Guard it is referring to a Guard (or card played as a Guard) in play (and not in a player ’s hand). • Any card that is properly played to a Guard slot is treated as a Guard for all purposes (whether or not it actually has a Guard symbol). • A blocked Action has no effect and any cards used to carry it out are discarded. • A player will never end their turn with more than 2 cards in their hand. 23 The “Cypher Wheel” (Continued)