CARD SYMBOLS REACT Cards with REACT can be played outside of a player’s normal turn on an opponent’s turn in immediate reaction to a game event. When you play a REACT card you forgo taking an Action on your turn but you still draw (if able) and PEEK 1. NOTE: You must end the game with a Final Card, so you may not play a REACT ability if it would leave you with no cards in your hand. PEEK Cards with PEEK allow you to look at a number of cards from the top of the Draw Deck (after drawing for your turn) without drawing them. When you PEEK place the card(s) viewed back on top of the deck in the same order they were in. All cards with REACT allow you to PEEK 1. TRIGGER Cards with TRIGGER contain an ability that only activates in response to speci昀椀c in-game activity once Deployed. When a card with TRIGGER has its condition met carry out the card’s terms. TUCK Cards with TUCK are played face-up to your play area but are not Guards and do not take up a Guard spot. Once played, they interact with / or allow you to interact with the tucked card according to its Card Ability. Card Numbers on tucked cards should remain visible to all players. Card Symbols 24