The “cypher wheel“(continued) Code for Each Suitcase Number Shown: The Cypher Wheel shows the full Code for each Suitcase Number. This is helpful to show what cards you should aim for after you have narrowed down your opponent’s Suitcase Number. It will also help you more easily incorporate information learned from cards that reveal information about Codes (e.g., Wheel of Fortune and Decoy Guard). Example: Pat plays “Wheel of Fate” and 昀氀ips a Guard with Card Number 6, Vanessa informs Pat that “6” is not in her Code, Pat consults his Cypher Wheel and determines 6 is in the code for 5, 6, and 7 and accordingly eliminates all of those numbers. “Code” v. “Suitcase Number”: Some cards in the game refer to “Suitcase Number” and others to “Code.” Be careful not to confuse the two. As noted above, a Code is the three- 21 The “Cypher Wheel” (Continued)