industries so what about technology transforming future of education well there's been some obviously smart boards have replaced chalkboards we have computers and computer labs. But if we're honest it really hasn't transformed teaching and learning and the minute we push this conversation a little bit further about how technology could play a role in the classroom parents and policymakers alike become concerned that we're creating too disconnected of a system we don't want robots teaching our kids. We don't want our kids becoming robots and so we're wrestling with this question what about great teaching well there's a lot of debate around how to fix public future of education one that isn't debatable that the research undeniably supports is the impact of quality future of education quality teaching the single most important determinant of your child's academic success isn't technology isn't poverty or economic or family background. It's the quality of the teacher that stands in front of him or her think about that quality teaching Trump's poverty Benjamin bloom a researcher year ago did some amazing research that actually provides us a clue a window what the future of education could look like. He said a group of elementary students that were taking or they're being taught at a conventional class one teacher thirty kids at the end of the unit they were assessed and not surprising there was a bell curve of performance on that assessment he ran a second experiment this time similar students same content. But it's still one teacher to students but now instead of just doing an assessment at the end they did assessments throughout as the material was being taught to see if the kids had mastered what they had learned if they did they move forward if they didn't they'd repeat under this mastery based approach these students outperformed their conventionally taught peers by an entire standard deviation. He ran the experiment a third time and this time what he did was he in addition to this mastery based approach to frequent assessments he gave every student the