I can show you many images like this one that surround our schools but that would be an incomplete story I'd rather show you an image of inside the school you see inside the four walls you get a different image you get hope you get kids like jaylen a fifth grader who dreams of one day becoming a CIA agent. He wants to be a patriot and defend our country jaylen doesn't know that statistically he's got a nine percent chance of making his dream so the future of Education rests for us on one single question how do we help jaylen I don't mean how do we help him in a one-off way how do we help him systemically. So that every Jalen in every zip code not only dreams their dream but realizes their dream in order to understand our future we have to go back to the past the picture on the left is a - classroom the picture on the right is a classroom side-by-side there's a hundred year difference between these two pictures. And yet very little else differs in both pictures students are grouped by age they sit in rows a teacher lectures them through a printed curriculum moving them at the same pace sequence and learning style I dare you to find another industry that has changed so little in a hundred years in fact. We know in the last years alone technology has completely disrupted entire industries with companies like Google and Facebook they're leveraging technology to transform