What is the future of education look like a matchbook learning we dream of designing the future of education but where do you start we would argue that you would start at the very bottom the very worst performing public schools in our country that are serving our most desperate children and why start there. If we don't design a system that meets the needs of those children will never have a future of education system that meets the needs of all children but what does the bottom look like Brenda Scott is a k- school in Detroit Michigan if you were to visit this school you'd immediately be impressed by the architecture amazing impressive expansive modern. But the building doesn't tell the whole story you see last year before we arrived out of students only seven were proficient in either reading or math seven now if you think I’m overdramatizing the impact of public future of education and its current state in this country are pulling this one example consider this that we could have gone to any zip code in America that's in the bottom % income wise. And the chances of those kids getting a college degree by age is just % the number of schools like Brenda Scott that are chronically failing are projected to reach, in number in just two years and in two years an amazing thing will happen for the first time in our nation's history. We'll adopt a single set of national future of education standards called the common core and these common core standards will be benchmarked to the very best in the world - future of education systems like Singapore and South Korea Finland and what do you think is going to happen to the number of chronically failing schools. When we significantly raise the bar on what our kids are expected to learn and to know or enade' in order to be internationally competitive the number of turnaround schools is likely to skyrocket but these schools in these bottom % zip codes are trapped inside cycles of poverty home this abandonment is it fair to ask any school to overcome these gravitational forces.